CARVER C. SCHEIER M., wydawnictwo:
ALLYN & BACON, 1999, wydanie IV
cena netto: 244.00 Twoja cena 231,80 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka
S. Carver, University of Miami Michael F. Scheier, Carnegie
Mellon University
2000 Format: Cloth, 602 pp ISBN: 0-205-29394-8
The book
reflects the author's beliefs that clearly presented concepts and...
>>>GRECO A., wydawnictwo:
ALLYN & BACON, 2000, wydanie I
cena netto: 198.00 Twoja cena 188,10 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka
Albert N. Greco
2000 280
pages (est.) 0205-30010-3 (Paperback)
Media and Entertainment Industries presents extensive analyses of the business and
economic issues of the mass media. These formats - from books to the...
>>>książek: 17,
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