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PACEK N., THORNILEY D., wydawnictwo: THE ECONOMIST, 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

As growth has slowed in the developed world and the forces that have led to globalisation gather pace, more and more companies are seeking to do business-in emerging markets, which, if you judge the market right and pursue the right strategy,... >>>


PACEK N. THORNILEY D., wydawnictwo: THE ECONOMIST, 2007, wydanie II

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Emerging markets can offer businesses much higher rates of growth than their developed world operations. This book looks a the reasons some firms fail and some firms succeed and it provides an extensive review of the outlook for different emerging... >>>


TENNET J. FRIEND G., wydawnictwo: ECONOMIST BOOKS, 2011, wydanie III

cena netto: 163.30 Twoja cena  155,14 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Invaluable guide to build models for assessing business risks and opportunities This guide is full of practical help to creating business models for evaluating everything from a modest business development to a major acquisition. ... >>>


BANNOCK G., MANSER W, wydawnictwo: ECONOMIST, 2003, wydanie IV

cena netto: 182.00 Twoja cena  172,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The words commonly used in international finance are colourful and confusing and draw on several different languages. This comprehensive reference book shows the way through the maze by bringing together in one volume the terminology used in... >>>

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