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wydawnictwo: WYD UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 62.60 Twoja cena  59,47 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka



Preface 5

Magdalena Kaźmierczak
The corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy: the role of the stakeholders 7
Elka Vasileva, Daniela Ivanova, Nina Tipova, Stilyan Stefanov
Sustainable consumption - perceptions of European and Bulgarian consumers 17
Daniela Ivanova, Elka Vasileva, Stilyan Stefanov, Nina Tipova
The role of stakeholders in establishing sustainable consumption in Bułgaria 26
Alina Matuszak-FIejszman
Environmental management and audit scheme (EMAS) in polish companies 34
Eva Waginger
LCA goes public 42
Anna Lewandowska, Katarzyna Joachimiak, Robert Lewicki
Correlation between Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Management System 54
Tomasz Nitkiewicz
The use of life-cycle assessment for supporting decision-making of wooden caskets producer and its customers 66
Hanna Żakowska, Grzegorz Ganczewski
Environmental trends in packaging. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and "carbon footprint" for selected types of consumer bags 79
Puiu Nistoreanu, Ana-Maria Nica, Mihai Tanase
Considerations on the qualitative aspects of ecotourism products 89
Radosław Wolniak, Anna Sędek
Pro-ecological attitudes of people in Silesian province on the example of Gliwice 98
Bogdan Cristian Onete, Rodica Pamfilie, Doru Alexandru Pleęea, Dorin Popescu, Razvan Dina
Redefining the consumer in relationship with commodity science — a conceptual approach 109
Rodica Pamfilie, Alexandru Lucian Stroia, Smaranda Vięan
Promoting the Romanian ecological agriculture through traditional products 115
Doru Alexandru Pleęea, Anca Maria Stanculescu, Bogdan Georgescu
Development and facilitation of international business networks on the European single market 126
Bogdan Sojkin, Tomasz Olejniczak
Conditions for buying product innovations on Poland's food market 134
Marian W. Sulek, Emilia Klimaszewska, Marta Ogorzałek, Kamila Nerlo
Market of cleaning products for wood surfaces 140
Marzena Ucherek, Magdalena Pyszczek
The consumers' expectations towards private label food products 145
Krzysztof Kosidłowski, Marzena Ucherek
Consumers' perception of fruit juices packaging ąuality 153
Stanisław Hornik
Reasons for change preferences in domestic cookware market and current trends in the field 163
Wanda Kudełka, Marzena Popis
Consumer acceptance of food produced ftom GMO soybeans 172
Wanda Kudełka, Katarzyna Sypień
Determinants of consumer purchase and consumption of processed vegetables in consumer opinion 182
Eugenia Czernyszewicz
Impact of residence on the consumer evaluation of apple ąuality 192
Małgorzata Lisińska-Kuśnierz, Bartłomiej Kabaja
Legał regulations concerning dietary supplement labeling 203
Władysława Łuczka-Bakuła, Joanna Smoluk-Sikorska
Quality as a criterion for purchasing decisions of the organie food consumers 214
Joanna Witczak
Perspective of organie food production development in Poland compared to world trends 223
Agnieszka Generowicz, Joanna Kulczycka, Agnieszka Makara, Marcin Banach
Evaluation of thermal conversion of municipal waste with the process analysis method in terms of the accumulative calculation 233

247 pages , Paperback

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