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wydawnictwo: WYD UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 62.60 Twoja cena  59,47 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Preface (Natalia Czaj a-Jagielska, Henryk Szymusiak) 7

Antonina Dubinina, Svitlana Lehnert, Olga KrugIova
Studying the adhesion power of chitosan film with paper (cardboard) 9
Stanisław Hornik
Current trends in packaging cosmetic products and attitudes of their customers 17
Agnieszka Kańczukowska-Stadnik, Natalia Czaj a-Jagielska
The model of new packaging development process 27
Andrzej Kochański, Karolina Assman, Hieronim Kubera, Natalia Czaja-Jagielska
Data preparation and the preliminary assumptions of the artificial neural network structure for the evaluation of biodegradable packaging materials 36
Małgorzata Lisińska-Ku¶nierz, Agnieszka Kawecka
Attitude of food packaging supply chain stakeholders toward packaging safety 45
Janina Malinowska, Jerzy Żuchowski
Effect of Polish accession to the European Union on some indices of the effectiveness of packaging waste management 54
Dominik Paukszta, Anna Gazdulska, Marek Szostak, Joanna Le Thanh-Blicharz, Grażyna Lewandowicz
Polyethylene composites filled with starch octenylsuccinate 66
Patrycja Wojciechowska
Nanocomposites for food packaging applications 74
Małgorzata Biniecka, Barbara Combi
Diamond ±uality: parameters for the certification 83
Regina Borek-Wojciechowska, Sylwia Kłokow
The perception of services ±uality assessment criteria in Polish hospitals 94
Barbara Hadryjańska, Justyna Górna
The activities of Wielkopolska companies towards improving the environmental performance of dairy products' manufacturing process 102
Marta KarkaHkova, Alica Lackova, Rastislav Strhan
Application of HACCP system in public catering organisations 112
Justyna Kiewlicz, Henryk Szymusiak
Long-chain esters of phenolic acids as multifimtional components of cosmetic products 119
Małgorzata Kotowska, Karolina Assman, Hieronim Kubera
The characteristics and analysis of the pharmaceutical market in Poland 133
Anna Kowalczyk, Alicja Maleszka
Individual control chart and moving rangę chart in comparison with standardized eon troi charts in short production run 142
Stanisław Kowalczyk, Regina Borek-Wojciechowska
Significance of OSH training in the system of occupational safety and health management 152
Eugeniusz Krzemień, Radosław Wolniak
The assessment of maturity level of ±uality management system - most often applied methods and tools 163
Mariusz J. Ligarski
The role of audit in the education ±uality assurance system 174
Jacek Łuczak, Małgorzata Mi¶niakiewicz
Risk management as basie of management system on Polish government offices example 183
Jacek Łuczak
Identification and evaluation of relevance of methods and techni±ues of ±uality management on the example of suppliers in the automotive industry. Research results 194
Agnieszka Skolik
Comparison and application of scaling methods 205
Amalia Venera Todoruf, George Niculescu
New dimensions in ±uality 211
Paweł Turek
Application of methods of sensory analysis in resolving a dispute over product ±uality - case study 221
Maciej Urbaniak
Possibilities and conditions relating to the improvement of product ±uality 228
Tomasz Wasilewski
The functionality of commercial hand dishwashing li±uids 238
Artur Wolak
The impact of studies in Commodity Science on product information analysis exemplified by cosmetics 247
Artur Wolak, Jerzy Szakiel
Consumer ratings for sunscreen cosmetics 256

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