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wydawnictwo: WYD UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

cena netto: 53.90 Twoja cena  51,21 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


The influence of business networks formed in the internationalisation process on a company's performance, and the mechanism by which they emerge have not yet been subject to extensive and in-depth empirical studies This research gap has provided the impetus for the comprehensive explorations performed by the Department of International Marketing of the Poznań University of Economics within the framework of two research projects conducted in 2006-2008 and 2010-2012

The book emphasis key elements of a research process It presents conceptual propositions, the results of empiric studies and case-study analyses.

Introduction 5

1. The interpretation of business networks 9
1.1. The essence of business networks 9
1.2. The scope of business networks 17

2. The role of business networks in the company internationalisation process 23
2.1. The essence and scope of the company internationalisation process 23
2.2. A review of company internationalisation models 25
2.3. The network model of internationalisation 30

3. The diversity of business networks in the company internationalisation process (research project 2006-2008) 37
3.1. Determinants of company behaviour in the internationalisation process 37
3.2. Identification and description of types of company behaviour in the internationalisation process 39
3.3. The empirical verification of types of company behaviour in the internationalisation process: results of the 2006-2008 research project 43
3.4. The scope of business network plurality 50
3.5. A dynamie approach to the typology of company behaviour in the internationalisation process 57

4. The scope of studies of the business network development in the internationalisation process (research project 2010-2012) 60
4.1. The scope and goal of the 2010-2012 research project 60
4.2. The characteristics of types of company behaviour in the internationalisation process (results of the empirical studies) 63

5. The premises for establishing business networks in the internationalisation process (research project 2010-2012) 71
5.1. The benefits and threats of network relationships 71
5.2. Establishing business networks: motives and obstacles (results of the empirical study) 76

6. The essence of business networks in the internationalisation process (research project 2010-2012) 82
6.1. Entities in business networks 82
6.2. The naturę of business relationships 87
6.3. Entities in the internationalisation process: the scope and significance of cooperation (results of the empirical studies) 93
6.4. The naturę of relationships with key entities in the internationalisation process (results of the empirical studies) 96

7. The influence of company resources on the development of business networks in the internationalisation process (research project 2010-2012) 104
7.1. The role of relational resources in business network development in the internationalisation process 104
7.2. The use of offshoring in the development of business networks 110

8. The mechanism of business network development in the internationalisation process: case studies (research project 2010-2012) 116
8.1. Wavin Metalplast-Buk Sp. z o.o 116
8.2. GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A 123
8.3. Trepko Sp. z o.o 131
8.4. Elektromontaż Poznań S.A 136
8.5. The Magellan Group 141
8.6. PEPCO Poland Sp. z o.o 146
8.7. ALVO Sp. z o.o 151
8.8. CHN Sp. z o.o. (a fictional company name) 159
8.9. PSOSp. z o.o 164
8.10. Domus & Vent Group Sp. z o.o 169
8.11. Instalcompact Sp. z o.o 174

Main findings and conclusions 180
References 184

191 pages, Paperback

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