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wydawnictwo: WOLTERS KLUWER , rok wydania 2012, wydanie I

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Advanced legal english for polish purposes

Advanced Legal English for Polish Purposes to podręcznik do nauki prawniczego języka angielskiego skierowany do polskich prawników i studentów prawa, a także do tłumaczy prawniczych i osób przygotowujących się do egzaminu na tłumacza przysięgłego.

Jako źródła terminologii wykorzystuje autentyczne amerykańskie, brytyjskie i unijne przepisy prawa. Wszystkie teksty i ćwiczenia są dobrane tak, aby treści, których można się z nich nauczyć, były przydatne w polskiej rzeczywistości do celów tłumaczenia polskich terminów prawniczych i wyjaśniania polskiego prawa w języku angielskim. Cała zawartość podręcznika została sprawdzona w praktyce na zajęciach prowadzonych przez autorkę, co pozwoliło dostosować opracowanie do rzeczywistych oczekiwań wyżej wymienionych grup zawodowych.

This course book is an unprecedented guide that can teach you how to talk about the Polish law using native Legal English.

It has been written by Anna Młodawska, sworn translator, lecturer in the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw and owner of the Transkrypt Legal English School, and verified by Leon Paczyński, native speaker and English solicitor, and Jakub Zakrzewski, Polish lawyer.

Have you ever wondered how to correctly say in English:

  • umowa i statut spółki
  • firma i siedziba spółki
  • najem i dzierżawa
  • umowa nazwana i nienazwana
  • zaliczka i zachowek
  • adwokat i radca prawny?


Answers to that and much more inside.

Spis treści:

str. 15

str. 17

Exercise 1 - Reading - Multiple Choice
str. 17

Exercise 2 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 18

Visualisation 1
str. 18

Exercise 3 - Listening - Questions
str. 19

Exercise 4 - Vocabulary Extension - Word Building
str. 19

Visualisation 2
str. 20

Exercise 5 - Vocabulary Extension - Paraphrasing
str. 21

Exercise 6 - Reading and Speaking - Paraphrasing
str. 22

Exercise 7 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 24

Exercise 8 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 24

Visualisation 3
str. 25

Exercise 9 - Memorisation Reinforcement
str. 25

Exercise 10 - Terminology Transposition
str. 26

Visualisation 4
str. 31

Glossary - Servitudes
str. 31

str. 35

Exercise 1 - Reading - Questions
str. 35

Exercise 2 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 36

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 37

Visualisation 1
str. 38

Exercise 3 - Vocabulary Extension - Speaking
str. 38

Exercise 4 - Memorisation Reinforcement
str. 39

Exercise 5 - Listening - Questions
str. 40

Exercise 6 - Reading - True or False
str. 41

Visualisation 2
str. 42

Exercise 7 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 43

Exercise 8 - Memorisation Reinforcement
str. 43

Exercise 9 - Vocabulary Extension - Speaking
str. 44

Exercise 10 - Vocabulary Practice - Prepositions
str. 45

Exercise 11 - Terminology Transposition
str. 46

Glossary - Lease
str. 49

str. 52

Exercise 1 - Speaking
str. 52

Visualisation 1
str. 52

Exercise 2 - Speaking
str. 52

Exercise 3 - Reading - Gaps
str. 53

Exercise 4 - Listening - Questions
str. 53

Exercise 5 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 54

Exercise 6 - Reading - Synonyms
str. 54

Exercise 7 - Speaking
str. 55

Exercise 8 - Writing - E-mail
str. 56

Exercise 9 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 56

Exercise 10 - Translation
str. 57

Glossary - Mortgage
str. 59

str. 62

Exercise 1 - Reading - True or False
str. 62

Exercise 2 - Terminology Transposition
str. 65

Visualisation 1
str. 65

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 66

Exercise 3 - Vocabulary Practice - Definitions
str. 66

Exercise 4 - Listening - True or False
str. 67

Visualisation 2
str. 67

Exercise 5 - Speaking
str. 67

Exercise 6 - Reading - Gaps
str. 68

Exercise 7 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 70

Visualisation 3
str. 70

Exercise 8 - Reading - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 70

Visualisation 4
str. 71

Exercise 9 - Reading - Gaps
str. 71

Visualisation 5
str. 72

Exercise 10 - Reading - Synonyms and Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 72

Visualisation 6
str. 72

Glossary - Natural Persons, Ownership and Obligations
str. 73

str. 76

Exercise 1 - Reading - Questions
str. 76

Visualisation 1
str. 79

Exercise 2 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice and Synonyms
str. 79

Exercise 3 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 80

Exercise 4 - Listening - True or False
str. 80

Exercise 5 - Terminology Transposition
str. 81

Visualisation 2
str. 84

Glossary - Donations
str. 84

str. 88

Exercise 1 - Listening - Comprehension
str. 88

Visualisation 1
str. 88

Exercise 2 - Listening - Questions
str. 88

Visualisation 2
str. 89

Exercise 3 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 89

Exercise 4 - Vocabulary Extension
str. 90

Visualisation 3
str. 90

Exercise 5 - Reading - Headings
str. 90

Exercise 6 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 92

Visualisation 4
str. 92

Exercise 7 - Vocabulary Extension
str. 92

Exercise 8 - Speaking - Summarising
str. 93

Exercise 9 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 95

Visualisation 5
str. 96

Exercise 10 - Speaking
str. 96

Exercise 11 - Terminology Transposition
str. 96

Exercise 12 - Terminology Transposition
str. 98

Visualisation 6
str. 99

Exercise 13 - Terminology Transposition
str. 100

Glossary - Inheritance Law
str. 102

str. 106

Exercise 1 - Speaking
str. 106

Exercise 2 - Translation
str. 106

Visualisation 1
str. 107

Exercise 3 - Listening - Questions
str. 107

Exercise 4 - Vocabulary Extension
str. 108

Exercise 5 - Reading - Gaps and Word Building
str. 108

Visualisation 2
str. 110

Exercise 6 - Reading - Prepositions
str. 110

Exercise 7 - Reading - Headings
str. 110

Visualisation 3
str. 112

Exercise 8 - Reading - Questions
str. 112

Exercise 9 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 113

Glossary - BDMs
str. 114

str. 117

Exercise 1 - Vocabulary Practice - Definitions
str. 117

Exercise 2 - Reading - Questions
str. 118

Visualisation 1
str. 120

Exercise 3 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 120

Exercise 4 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 121

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 121

Exercise 5 - Listening - True or False
str. 122

Exercise 6 - Terminology Transposition
str. 122

Visualisation 2
str. 127

Exercise 7 - Writing - Power of Attorney
str. 127

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 128

Glossary - Representation
str. 129

str. 132

Visualisation 1
str. 132

Exercise 1 - Speaking
str. 132

Exercise 2 - Reading - Comprehension
str. 132

Visualisation 2
str. 133

Exercise 3 - Reading - Comprehension
str. 133

Visualisation 3
str. 133

Exercise 4 - Speaking
str. 134

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 134

Exercise 5 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 135

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 136

Visualisation 4
str. 139

Exercise 6 - Vocabulary Extension
str. 139

Exercise 7 - Translation
str. 139

Exercise 8 - Reading - True or False
str. 140

Visualisation 5
str. 141

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 141

Exercise 9 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 142

Exercise 10 - Speaking
str. 143

Exercise 11 - Listening - Questions
str. 143

Exercise 12 - Speaking
str. 144

Exercise 13 - Memorisation Reinforcement
str. 144

Glossary - Company Formation
str. 146

str. 149

Exercise 1 - Speaking
str. 149

Visualisation 1
str. 149

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 149

Exercise 2 - Listening - Questions
str. 150

Exercise 3 - Reading - Synonyms
str. 150

Exercise 4 - Reading - True or False
str. 151

Exercise 5 - Vocabulary Practice - Definitions
str. 153

Exercise 6 - Reading - Description
str. 153

Exercise 7 - Reading - Questions
str. 154

Exercise 8 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 156

Visualisation 2
str. 157

Exercise 9 - Speaking
str. 157

Exercise 10 - Memorisation Reinforcement
str. 158

Exercise 11 - Translation
str. 160

Glossary - General Meetings
str. 163

str. 166

Exercise 1 - Speaking
str. 166

Visualisation 1
str. 166

Exercise 2 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 166

Visualisation 2
str. 167

Exercise 3 - Reading - Gaps
str. 167

Visualisation 3
str. 168

Exercise 4 - Listening - Comprehension
str. 169

Exercise 5 - Reading - Synonyms
str. 169

Exercise 6 - Terminology Transposition
str. 170

Visualisation 4
str. 174

Exercise 7 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 174

Juxtaposition: Polish System vs. English System
str. 176

Exercise 8 - Translation
str. 177

Visualisation 5
str. 178

Glossary - Bankruptcy
str. 179

str. 182

Exercise 1 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 182

Visualisation 1
str. 187

Exercise 2 - Reading - Questions
str. 187

Exercise 3 - Listening - Questions
str. 187

Exercise 4 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 188

Exercise 5 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 188

Exercise 6 - Reading - Gaps
str. 191

Exercise 7 - Speaking
str. 192

Exercise 8 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 193

Exercise 9 - Reading - True or False
str. 193

Exercise 10 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 195

Exercise 11 - Writing - Letter of Advice
str. 196

Glossary - Competition Law
str. 196

str. 200

Exercise 1 - Vocabulary Practice - Definitions
str. 200

Exercise 2 - Vocabulary Practice - Collocations
str. 201

Visualisation 1
str. 202

Exercise 3 - Speaking
str. 202

Exercise 4 - Terminology Transposition
str. 203

Visualisation 2
str. 204

Exercise 5 - Speaking - Definitions
str. 204

Exercise 6 - Vocabulary Extension - Prepositions
str. 205

Exercise 7 - Vocabulary Extension - Word Building
str. 205

Exercise 8 - Reading - True or False and Vocabulary Practice
str. 206

Visualisation 3
str. 207

Exercise 9 - Vocabulary Practice - Gaps
str. 207

Exercise 10 - Listening
str. 208

Exercise 11 - Translation
str. 208

Exercise 12 - Reading - Headings and Questions
str. 209

Exercise 13 - Vocabulary Practice - Synonyms
str. 210

Exercise 14 - Writing - Letter of Advice
str. 211

Exercise 15 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 211

Exercise 16 - Writing - E-mail
str. 214

Exercise 17 - Listening - Comprehension
str. 214

Exercise 18 - Speaking - Terminology Transposition
str. 215

Exercise 19 - Reading - Gaps
str. 218

Glossary - Civil Procedure
str. 219

str. 223

Visualisation 1
str. 223

Exercise 1 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 223

Exercise 2 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 225

Exercise 3 - Comparative Vocabulary Practice
str. 225

str. 227

str. 247

str. 311

str. 325

1. Acquisition and Alienation
str. 325

2. Bankruptcy - Poland
str. 326

3. Bankruptcy - UK Insolvency Act
str. 327

4. Bankruptcy - United States Code
str. 328

5. Capacity
str. 329

6. Community Property Regime
str. 330

7. Company Constitution
str. 331

8. Conditions
str. 332

9. Consanguinity and Affinity
str. 334

10. Court of Justice of the EU
str. 335

11. Court Rulings - Poland
str. 336

12. Dominant and Servient Estate
str. 337

13. Earnest Money
str. 338

14. Express and Implied
str. 339

15. Felony and misdemeanor
str. 340

16. Fruits
str. 341

17. General Meetings
str. 342

18. Hearings - Poland
str. 343

19. Here and There
str. 344

20. Homicide, Murder, Manslaughter
str. 345

21. Immovables and Movables
str. 346

22. Initiation of Proceedings
str. 347

23. Interdiction
str. 348

24. Joint and Several Liability
str. 349

25. Majority
str. 350

26. Management and Supervision
str. 351

27. May in Legalese
str. 352

28. Monetary and Non-monetary
str. 353

29. Natural and Legal Person
str. 354

30. Nominate and Innominate Contract
str. 355

31. Obligations
str. 356

32. Parties to Lease and Tenancy
str. 357

33. Polish Companies and Partnerships
str. 358

34. Polish Court System
str. 359

35. Prescription
str. 360

36. Registered Mail
str. 361

37. Representation
str. 362

38. Servitudes
str. 363

39. Shall in Legalese
str. 364

40. Standards of Evidence
str. 365

41. Succession
str. 366

42. Synallagmatic and Commutative Contract
str. 367

43. To Execute
str. 368

44. UK Business Entities
str. 369

45. Units of Territorial Administrative Division of Poland
str. 370

46. Usufruct
str. 371

47. Vices of Consent
str. 372

48. Voting
str. 373

374 strony, B5, oprawa miękka

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