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wydawnictwo: DIFIN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

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The present book refers to, and in a way is an extension of previous book Studia nad transformacją i internacjonalizacją gospodarki polskiej (Studies on the transformation and internationalization of the Polish economy), published in the year 2007 which recorded 20 years of cooperation with the journal EKONOMISTA. It contained articles published by author or together with colleagues in Polish in this periodical during the years 1988-2007. The book besides transition problems investigated as well the issue of internationalisation of the Polish economy.

The book covers a wide range of issues and approaches. Some contributions assume a macroeconomic perspective others a company specific, branch specific or region specfic focus. Analysis covers economic policy and company strategy, problems of international trade and foreign direct investment, includes insights on issues of competitiveness at company and country levels.

Articles included in the book also offer a wide scope of methodological approaches. Some have a mainly theoretical focus, others include results of conducted empirical research. In some a diagnostic, descriptive and explanatory thrust is prevalent, in others a normative approach dominates, including frequently a prognostic thread.


Introduction and overview

1. A strategic shift in export trade

Marian Gorynia, Wiesław Otta, 1995, European Studies, Zeszyty Naukowe – Seria I,
Zeszyt 229, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu

2. The Polish Economy’s International Competitiveness and Economic Policy

Marian Gorynia, 1998, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, July - August, Vol. 34, No. 4

3. Foreign Direct Investment and Competition Strategies of Domestic Firms in Poland

Marian Gorynia, Radosław Wolniak, 2000, Foreign Direct Investment in a Transition Economy, The Polish Case, Edited by Marzenna A. Weresa

4. Internationalisation of a Post–Communist Economy – Opportunities and Threats: The Case of Poland

Marian Gorynia, 2002, Internationalisation in Central and Eastern Europe, Ashgate, Edited by Marin Alexandrov Marinov

5. Internationalisation of economy versus economic policy under integrational globalisation

Marian Gorynia, 2002, The Poznań University of Economics Review, Vol. 2, No. 2

6. The Participation of Transitional Economy in Globalisation – The Case of Poland

Marian Gorynia, Radosław Wolniak, 2002, Journal of Euro-Asian Management, December, ol. 6, No. 2

7. National Differences in Technology Transfers in East European Transition Economies

Bernard Haudeville, Marina Dabic, Marian Gorynia, 2002, Mondes en Développement, Tome 30, No. 120 115

8. Polish Firms in the European Union. Their Internationalisation Projections and Perspectives

Marian Gorynia, Radosław Wolniak, 2003, Studia Ekonomiczne, 1–2 

9. On the Path of Poland’s Globalisation

Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Radosław Wolniak, 2003, Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe, Transition and Development, Ashgate, Edited by Svetla Trifonova Marinova and Marin Alexandrov Marinov

10. Globalisation of a Transitional Economy: The Experience of Poland

Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Radosław Wolniak, 2003, Journal of East-West Business, Vol. 9, No. 2

11. Competitiveness of Polish Firms and the European Union Enlargement

Marian Gorynia, 2004, Competitiveness Review, An International Business Journal, Vol. 14,
No. 1 and 2

12. Competitiveness of firms from Ziemia Lubuska and Poland’s accession to the European Union

Marian Gorynia, 2005, Journal for East European Management Studies, Vol. 10, No. 3

13. Cooperation strategies of Polish companies as a response to foreign investor’s expansion into the Polish market

Marian Gorynia, Barbara Jankowska, Radosław Owczarzak, 2005, The Poznań University of Economics Review, Vol. 5, No. 2

14. Motives and Modes of FDI, Firm Characteristics and Performance: Case Studies of Foreign Subsidiaries in Poland

Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Radosław Wolniak, 2005, Journal of Transitional Management,
Vol. 10, No. 3

15. Polish Economic Policy, Internationalisation and Globalisation

Marian Gorynia, 2006, Business Interaction in a Global Economy, Vol. 1, Wilkes-Beijing

16. Poland and Its Investment Development Path

Marian Gorynia, Radosław Wolniak, Jan Nowak, 2007, Eastern European Economics, March-April, Vol. 45, No. 2

17. Multinational Enterprices and the Competitivenes of Transitional Host Economies

Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Radosław Wolniak, 2007, Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 12 

328 pages, Paperback

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