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wydawnictwo: WILEY-BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 345.00 Twoja cena  327,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Globalization: The Making of World Society is a stimulating, state-of-the-art text for any student of globalization, beginner or advanced.

  • Makes a big, abstract topic very accessible through illustration with everyday experience
  • Thorough and scholarly but written in an approachable style
  • Delves into timely and controversial issues and debates, including the impact of migration, global inequality, and cultural homogeneity
  • Combines several perspectives for new interpretation
  • Includes chapter outlines and suggestions for further reading

Frank J. Lechner is Professor of Sociology at Emory University in Atlanta. Among his publications dealing with globalization are World Culture: Origins and Consequences (with John Boli) (Blackwell, 2005) and The Netherlands: Globalization and National Identity (2008) as well as an edited volume, The Globalization Reader (with John Boli) (third edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008). He has also written extensively about religion and social theory.

Table of Contents

List of Plates.

List of Figures.

List of Tables.

List of Boxes.

Preface and Acknowledgments.

List of Acronyms.

1. Introduction.

Part I: Global Experience.

2. Global Food and the History of Globalization.

3. Global Sports and the Direction of Globalization.

4. Global Media and the Varieties of Globalization.

Part II: Global Institutions.

5. The Global Economy and the Power of the Market.

6. Global States and the Specter of Retreat.

7. Global Governance and the Prospects of World Law.

8. Global Civil Society and the Voices of Change.

9. Global Religion and the Impact of Faith.

Part III: Global Problems.

10. Global Migration: How New People Change Old Places.

11.  Global Inequality: Winners and Losers in Globalization.

12.  The Global Environment: Saving the Planet?

13. Global Justice: Is Another World Possible?



336 pages, Hardcover

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