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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 275.00 Twoja cena  261,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Strategic Human Resource Management offers an engaging and comprehensive discussion of the factors that address the shaping of HRM in organizations.

This book addresses key questions such as:

  • - How can an organization create an agile and sustained competitive environment without violating individual employee well-being?

    - How can we cope with work life balance issues and maintain flexibility in firms?

    - How can we manage the older worker in an ever aging population?

    - What lessons can be learned from stakeholder management in highly institutionalized contexts?

    - How can be balance the employee and the employer perspective?

    - What is the impact of human resource management (HRM) on performance?

Key Features Include:

- Cases from companies such as Air France-KLM, BMW, ING, and Nokia. These have been specifically chosen to help illustrate the theories presented in this book in both a European and wider global content.

- The multilevel approach including the individual employee level, teams, business unit level, organizational level, sectors/populations, and countries.

- The blending of Strategic HRM with Micro HRM.

- Strong Pedagogy: Each chapter provides a wealth of interactive exercises, to suit seminar and individual study. These include stop and reflect boxes, questions for study and discussion, experiential exercises and case studies linked to chapter topics.

This book has been written for students with some prior knowledge of human resource management.

Paul Boselie is a Professor in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the Utrecht School of Governance at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and an Associate Professor in SHRM in the Department of HR Studies at Tilburg University (the Netherlands). His research traverses human resource management (HRM), institutionalism, strategic management and industrial relations.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction: Strategic human resource management in the 21st century

Chapter 2: Strategic human resource management & context

Chapter 3: Human resource management & performance: Adding value through people

Chapter 4: HR metrics & measurement

Chapter 5: Achieving the right balance

Chapter 6: High performance work systems

Chapter 7: Selective recruitment & selection

Chapter 8: Performance management

Chapter 9: Compensation

Chapter 10: Development

Chapter 11: Employee participation

Chapter 12: HR roles

Chapter 13: International human resource management

Chapter 14: Human resource transformation

532 pages, Paperback

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