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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 125.00 Twoja cena  118,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

How to Make Money with YouTube: Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business on the World's Most Popular Video-Sharing Site

Tips for capitalizing on the power ofYouTube—from the gurus of e-commerce

The video sharing website YouTube has changed theway products and brands are marketed. How to MakeMoney with YouTube shows readers how to harness thewebsite’s power and turn a profit.

Bestselling authors Brad and Debra Schepp provide indepth coverage on everything from shooting anduploading videos, to fundraising and marketing, to buildingbuzz and getting videos noticed. The book is filledwith valuable advice and practical tips to help readersmaximize their earning potential with YouTube. It’s anideal resource for business owners and individualslooking for a unique and profitable marketing tool.

Brad Schepp and Debra Schepp are the authors of 16 books, including eBay PowerSeller Secrets. Their work has been featured in Newsweek, Life, and the Chicago Tribune.

Table of Contents

1. YouToo Can be a YouTube Star
2. Marketing Yourself Through YouTube
3. Marketing Your Business Through YouTube
4. Piggybacking Off Other?s YouTube Success
5. Fundraising with YouTube
6. Creating YouTube Videos
7. Keeping Up with YouTube
8. Beyond YouTube

240 pages, Paperback

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