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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

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The Brand Promise: How Costco, Ketel One, Make-A-Wish, and Other Leading Brands Make and Keep the Promise That Guarantees Success

Tap into the new currency for brand success and customer satisfaction

Brand strategy expert and Fortune 500 consultant Duane Knapp presents his secret formula for becoming a brand that delivers on its promise, showing how to make the right promise, how to keep it-and how fulfilling that promise will turn any business into one that people will admire, trust, and support for years to come.

Knapp explains the steps for finding and forming a solid promise, and shows how to implement three key principles that ensure business success. First-hand case studies and compelling interviews of successful business leaders illustrate how to put these strategies into action.

Table of Contents

Brandictionary: Definitions to Help You Deliver a Brandpromise Commitment
The BrandMindset Philosophy 1
Thinking Like a Genuine Brand 1
Genuine Brand Expectations 5
The Trust Factor 8
The Promise Is the Foundation of a Brand's Experience 11
Enhancing Customers' Lives 12
Passionate Associates 14
Associate Partnership 17
Creating Exceptional Perceived Value 18
Brand Profile: Ketel One Vodka 21
Thought Guide: Thinking Like a Genuine Brand 25
The PromiseRule: Enhancing People's Lives 27
Service Compared to a Promise 27
Promises Compared to Missions or Visions 30
It's All about How You Want People to Feel 30
Are You Ready to Make a Genuine Promise? 35
The PromiseRule 36
A Guarantee That's Real 39
Brand Profile: Costco 43
Thought Guide: The PromiseRule-Enhancing People's Lives 48
The Roadmap to a BrandPromise Commitment 51
A Promise Focus 51
The Brand Balance 51
Changing the Decision Hierarchy 56
The Promise Process 59
Assessing Customers' Feelings 61
Making a Promise 65
Defining a Brand's Experience 67
Distinctive Products and Services 71
Superior Value 72
Brand Profile: RK Dixon Company 74
Thought Guide: The Roadmap to a BrandPromise Commitment 77
Promises Are Delivered by People, Not Policies 79
People Are Key 79
Internal Promises 81
Engaging Experiences 83
The Board's Responsibility 85
Creating a Paradigm Shift 88
Transformation 91
Brand Profile: Bartell Hotels 96
Thought Guide: Promises Are Delivered by People, Not Policies 99
Five Ways to Keep Promises 101
Keeping Promises 101
Whom Can You Trust? 102
Frustrating Experiences 103
Example: Rebates 103
Example: Telephone Call Centers 106
What's Fair? 107
Example: Credit Card Refunds and Warranties 107
The Right Promise Is Key 108
Enhancing Customers' Expectations 116
Brand Profile 118
Thought Guide: Five Ways to Keep Promises 118
Predicting Brand Success 121
Predicting a Brand's Future 121
Brand Psyche 123
Measuring a Brand's Perceptual Energy 124
Brand Visualization 127
Reading Customers' Minds 128
Convenience Is the Future 130
Optimize Positive Energy 132
Spending Time on the Right Things 133
Investing in a Brand's Future 134
Minimize Negative Energy 135
Thought Guide: Predicting Brand Success 138
Community Brands: The Destination BrandPromise 141
Detailed Example of the BrandPromise Methodology 141
Community Brands 141
Destination Strategy 142
Destination BrandScience 144
Promising an Experience 147
What Is a Destination BrandPromise? 149
Destination Brand Assessment 151
Creating a Destination BrandPromise 154
A Slogan Is Not a Strategy 156
Destination Brand Blueprint 159
Developing a Destination's Culture 160
Brand Profile: Tourism Vancouver 164
Thought Guide: Community Brands: The Destination BrandPromise 168
Personal Brands 171
Thinking about Your Brand 171
Caring about Perceptions 174
What's Your Personal Promise? 176
Living Your Promise 178
Professional 179
Special 181
Celebrity Brand Philosophy 182
Building a Celebrity Brand Is Hard Work 185
Greg Norman 185
Rachael Ray 186
Celebrity Brand Assessment 188
The Power of a Real Promise 191
Brand Profile: Annika Sorenstam 194
Thought Guide: Personal Brands 201
Specialized BrandPromise Applications 203
Member-Centric Businesses 205
Brand Profile: SAFE Credit Union 207
Charitable and Philanthropic Organizations 211
Brand Profile: Make-A-Wish Foundation 213
Professional Service Firms 219
Brand Profile: Callison Architecture 220
Association BrandScience 223
Brand Profile: Destination Marketing Association International 226
Thought Guide: Specialized BrandPromise Applications 230
Promise Perspectives: The Detailed Process for Building Genuine Brands 233
Conclusion 233
The Genuine Brand Process 234
Being Distinctive Is Not Optional 234
The Brand Assessment 235
The BrandPromise 237
Brand Blueprint 238
Genuine Every Day: Brand Culturalization 241
Brand Advantage 244
Thought Guide: Promise Perspectives 245
Endnotes 247
Brand Index 255
Index 259

288 pages, Hardcover

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