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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 135.00 Twoja cena  128,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The book that completes Positioning . . .

Thirty years ago, Jack Trout and Al Ries published their classic bestseller, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind a book that revolutionized the world of marketing. But times have changed. Competition is fiercer. Consumers are savvier. Communications are faster. And once-successful companies are in crisis mode.

Repositioning shows you how to adapt, competeand succeedin todays overcrowded marketplace. Global marketing expert Jack Trout has retooled his most effective positioning strategiesproviding a must-have arsenal of proven marketing techniques specifically redesigned for our current climate. With Repositioning, you can conquer the 3 Cs of business: Competition, Change, and Crisis . . .

  1. BEAT THE COMPETITION: Challenge your rivals, differentiate your product, increase your value, and stand out in the crowd.
  2. CHANGE WITH THE TIMES: Use the latest technologies, communications, and multimedia resources to connect with your consumers.
  3. MANAGE A CRISIS: Cope with everything from profi t losses and rising costs to bad press and PR nightmares.

Even if your company is doing well, these cutting-edge marketing observations can keep you on top of your game and ahead of the pack. Youll discover how expanding product lines may decrease your overall sales, why new brand names often outsell established brands, and why slashing prices is usually a bad idea. Youll learn the dangers of attacking your competitors head-onand the value of emphasizing value. Youll see how consumers can have too many choices to pick fromand what you can do to make them pick your brand.

Drawing from the latest research studies, consumer statistics, and business-news headlines, Trout reveals the hidden psychological motives that drive todays market. Understanding the mindset of your consumers is half the battle. Winning in todays world is often a matter of repositioning. Its how you rethink the strategies youve always relied on. Its how you regain the success youve worked so hard for. Its how you win the new battle of the mind.

Jack Trout is president of Trout & Partners, a worldwide marketing firm with headquarters in Connecticut and offices in 13 countries. With Al Ries, he coauthored the marketing classic Positioning and the bestsellers Marketing Warfare and The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. Trout's books have been translated into 16 languages, including the BusinessWeek bestseller The New Positioning.

Steve Rivkin is a naming expert with Trout & Partners and coauthor of three books with Jack Trout. He is founder of Rivkin & Associates LLC, a marketing and communications consultancy in Glen Rock, N.J. Visit Steve at www.rivkin.net.

Table of Contents

Chapter one: Perception is reality.

Chapter two: Evolution is reality.

Chapter three: How to evolve.

Chapter four: When to evolve.

Chapter five: Internal evolution.

Chapter six: Repositioning takes time.

Chapter seven: Repositioning as a competitive weapon.

Chapter eight: Using a negative to set up a positive.

Chapter nine: Repositioning in politics.

Chapter ten: Repositioning in business.

224 pages, Hardcover

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