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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A comprehensive, practical guidebook to bonds and the bond market

Speaking directly to the practitioner, this thorough guide covers everything there is to know about bonds from basic concepts to more advanced bond topics.

The Complete Practitioner's Guide to the Bond Market addresses the principles of the bond market and offers the tools to apply them in the real world. By tying the concepts of fixed-income products to big-picture aspects of the economy, this book prepares readers to apply specific tools and methods that will help them glean profits from the bond market.

Steven Dym is a president of a US investment management firm, Mariner Capital Partners. His articles have appeared in various publications including the Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, and Risk Magazine.

Table of Contents

1 What is a Bond
2 Bond Math... Without the Math
3 Non-Plain Vanilla Bonds
4 Inflation Protected Bonds
5 The Yield Curve
6 Carry, Rolls, Breakevens and Recovery
7 Bond Investment Management
8 Market Timing and Risk
9 Hedging: What It Is and What It's Not
10 Advanced Concepts: What Those Guys Are Talking About
11 Repos: Acquiring Leverage
12 What Bond Dealers Actually Do
13 Money Market Instruments
14 What the Heck is this Thing called LIBOR
15 What You Need to Know About How the Economy Works
16 Where the Fed Fits In
17 Fundamentals of Corporate Bonds
18 High Grade vs High Yield
19 Corporate Yields Spreads and Curves
20 True Role of Collateral
21 Crazy Bonds
22 Floating Rate Notes
23 Those Newfangled Floaters
24 Hedge Funds in the Fixed Income Market
25 Swaps: What They Are
26 Swaps: How They Are Used By Investors
27 The New World of Credit Derivatives
28 CDS, CDO and Other Alphabet Products
29 Forwards and Futures
30 Foreign Exchange and Foreign Bonds
31 Emerging Markets Securities
32 Convertibles
33 Mortgages and Mortgage Backed Bonds

464 pages, Hardcover

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