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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie VIII

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Direct marketing has grown beyond its roots in traditional mail order to embrace a host of new technologies, customer relationship-building techniques, and performance measures. Today, businesses and nonprofits of all kinds use direct marketing, which now garners 25% of the U.S. marketer's budget, surpassing newspapers and broadcast TV.

Hailed as the"bible" of direct marketing for over 30 years, Successful Direct Marketing Methods has been completely updated and expanded with all the latest tools and techniques needed for success in today's digital, multi-channel marketplace.

Written by world-renowned direct marketing experts Bob Stone and Ron Jacobs, the Eighth Edition of Successful Direct Marketing Methods contains major revisions to chapters on the creative process, fully covering the development of direct mail advertising, catalogs, and print advertising. The Eighth Edition also explores such new topics as:

  • The expanding objectives of direct marketing in the digital age
  • Techniques for optimizing customer acquisition, up-selling and cross-selling, reducing defections, extending loyalty, and improving retention
  • CRM applications, data mining, call center, campaign management, and sales force automation
  • Customer experience management--connecting customers and brands at every touch point
  • Brand building with direct marketing tools and techniques
  • The growth of direct marketing in Europe, Asia, and Latin America
  • Methods of international marketing--both direct and telemarketing

Successful Direct Marketing Methods offers professionals a comprehensive roadmap for direct marketing success across today's multiple marketing channels.

Bob Stone was the cofounder and Chairman Emeritus of Stone & Adler, Inc., now a Young & Rubicam company. One of the pioneers of direct marketing, he was an eight-time winner of the Direct Marketing Association's ?Best in Industry Award.? A former director of the Direct Marketing Association, Mr. Stone was one of the earliest inductees into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame.

Ron Jacobs is president of Jacobs & Clevenger, a multichannel, direct marketing communications agency that provides direct, digital, and database marketing services; transactional branding; and customer marketing programs. J&C?s practice areas include cross-channel strategy and planning, implementation, and creative and database optimization. The author of many articles on direct marketing and a frequent speaker, he works with clients and organizations in the U.S. and around the world.

Table of Contents

Section One: Direct Marketing Essentials

Chapter 1: The Scope of Direct Marketing

Chapter 2: Business, Strategic and Direct Marketing Planning

Chapter 3: The Impact of Databases

Chapter 4: Consumer and Business Mailing Lists

Chapter 5: The Offer

Chapter 6: Building Customer Relationships

Chapter 7: Implementing Global Direct Marketing Campaigns

Chapter 8: Business-to-Business Direct Marketing

Chapter 9: Marketing to Businesses with Lead Generation

Section Two: Media of Direct Marketing

Chapter 10 - Magazines

Chapter 11 - Newspapers

Chapter 12 - TV/Radio

Chapter 13: Insert and Co-op Media

Chapter 14: Telemarketing/Teleservices

Section Three: Internet Direct Marketing

Chapter 15: Overview of Internet Direct Marketing

Chapter 16: E-Communications

Chapter 17: E-Commerce

Section Four: Managing the Creative Process

Chapter 18: Creating Direct Mail Advertising

Chapter 19: Creating and Managing Catalogs

Chapter 20: Creating Print Advertising

Chapter 21: Modeling for Business Decision Support

Chapter 22: Mathematics of Direct Marketing

Chapter 23: Innovation through Creativity and Testing

Chapter 24: Research for Direct Marketing



594 pages, Hardcover

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