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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie IV

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This brief and flexible introductory level text is designed to illustrate the power of logic as a tool for critical thinking in various facets of life by increasing students' ability to understand, analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments.

The Power of Logic provides balanced coverage of informal logic, traditional categorical logic, and modern symbolic logic. The authors' direct and accessible writing style, along with a wealth of relevant examples and imaginative exercises, make this an ideal text for today's logic classes.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Basic Concepts
1.1 Validity and Soundness
1.2 Forms and Validity
1.3 Counterexamples and Invalidity
1.4 Strength and Cogency
Chapter 2. Identifying Arguments
2.1 Arguments and Nonarguments
2.2 Well-Crafted Arguments
2.3 Argument Diagrams
Chapter 3. Logic and Language
3.1 Logic, Meaning, and Emotive Force
3.2 Definitions
3.3 Using Definitions to Evaluate Arguments
Chapter 4. Informal Fallacies
4.1 Fallacies of Irrelevance
4.2 Fallacies Involving Ambiguity
4.3 Fallacies Involving Unwarranted Assumptions
Chapter 5. Categorical Logic: Statements
5.1 Standard Forms of Categorical Statements
5.2 The Traditional Square of Opposition
5.3 Further Immediate Inferences
Chapter 6. Categorical Logic: Syllogisms
6.1 Standard Form, Mood, and Figure
6.2 Venn Diagrams and Categorical Statements
6.3 Venn Diagrams and Categorical Syllogisms
6.4 The Modern Square of Opposition
6.5 Enthymemes
6.6 Sorites and Removing Term-Complements
6.7 Rules for Evaluating Syllogisms
Chapter 7. Statement Logic: Truth Tables
7.1 Symbolizing English Arguments
7.2 Truth Tables
7.3 Using Truth Tables to Evaluate Arguments
7.4 Abbreviated Truth Tables
7.5 Logically Significant Categories and Relationships
Chapter 8. Statement Logic: Proofs
8.1 Implicational Rules of Inference
8.2 Five Equivalence Rules
8.3 Five More Equivalence Rules
8.4 Conditional Proof
8.5 Reductio ad Absurdum
8.6 Proving Theorems
Chapter 9. Predicate Logic
9.1 Predicates and Quantifiers
9.2 Demonstrating Invalidity
9.3 Constructing Proofs
9.4 Quantifier Negation, RAA, and CP
9.5 The Logic of Relations: Symbolizations
9.6 The Logic of Relations: Proofs
9.7 Identity: Symbolizations
9.8 Identity: Proofs
Chapter 10. Induction
10.1 Inductive and Deductive Logic: Contrasts and Clarifications
10.2 Arguments from Authority and Induction by Enumeration
10.3 Mill's Methods and Scientific Reasoning
10.4 Arguments from Analogy
Chapter 11. Probability
11.1 Three Theories of Probability
11.2 The Rules of Probability
11.3 Bayes' Theorem

688 pages, Paperback

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