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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 110.00 Twoja cena  104,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

If you want to discover the Next Big Thing in technology…ENTER THE DRAGON.

You already know that China is the most populated nation on the planet. You already know about the rapid growth of its Internet and the recent development of its technologies. But did you realize that China has…The world's largest number of mobile phone users (500 million)

Three times as many engineering students as the United States?

A dozen more billion-dollar tech firms than the United States?

The fastest growing venture capital market in the world?

It's time to face the facts: China is catching up to the United States as a global leader of technology—and, within a few years, may surpass every nation in the world. By modeling their new techno-based companies on successful American ones like Google and Yahoo, a new breed of entrepreneur is leading China through a second Industrial Revolution.

Financial journalist Rebecca A. Fannin traveled from Shanghai to Beijing and beyond to speak face-to-face with China’s hottest up-and-comers. For some of these young entrepreneurs, it’s their first interview with the Western press—and their first chance to introduce their companies before the stocks hit Nasdaq.

You'll meet smart and savvy self-starters like Robin Li, who made his company Baidu in the image of Google. You'll meet inventors and innovators like Liu Yingkui, who developed software for selling goods over cell phones, not PCs. You'll also meet the American venture capitalists who are searching for deals every day in every corner of China.

Whether you're an investor, entrepreneur, techno whiz, or dot-com mogul, you can make peace with the dragon—and profits, too.

Rebecca A. Fannin is the International Editor of the Hong Kong weekly Asian Venture Capital Journal and a former International News Editor at Red Herring. Since 1992, she has been reporting on innovation, technology, and the emerging economies in Hong Kong, Bangalore, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, and other major cities around the world.

Table of Contents

Introduction XI
The Copycats
Baidu-China's Boldest Internet Start-Up 3
Alibaba-The Wizardry of Jack Ma 19
Dangdang.com-The Amazon Plus of China 33
Chinacars.com-Cruisin' with Style 45
Oak Pacific Interactive-Web 2.0 on Steroids 57
Bokee.com-Growing Pains 71
The Venture Capitalists
Silicon Valley's Tech Route to China 85
The Innovators
Lingtu-China's Navigator 101
Oriental Wisdom-Confucian Capitalism 113
Pingco-Ping Me, Please 123
Maxthon-The Way China Surfs the World 133
LatticePower Corporation-China Lights Up the Globe 143
Endnotes 153
Acknowledgments 167
Index 171

300 pages, Hardcover

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