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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie V

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The 5th Edition of Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation by Burgelman, Christensen, and Wheelwright continues its unmatched tradition of market leadership, by using a combination of text, readings, and cases to bring to life the latest business research on these critical business challenges.

Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation takes the perspective of the general manager at the product line, business unit, and corporate levels. The book not only examines each of these levels in some detail, but also addresses the interaction between the different levels of general management - for example, the fit between product strategy and business unit strategy, and the link between business and corporate level technology strategy.

Each part of the book starts with an introductory chapter laying out an overall framework and offering a brief discussion of key tools and findings from existing literature. The remainder of each part offers a selected handful of seminar readings and case studies. Almost all of the cases deal with recent events and situations, including several that are concerned with the impact of the Internet. A few "classics" have been retained, however, because they capture a timeless issue or problem in such a definitive way that the historical date of their writing is irrelevant.

Table of Contents

Technological Innovation
CASE I-1 Elio Engineering, Inc. Hari Sankara and Harald Winkmann
READING I-1 Profiting from Technological Innovation: Implications for Integration, Collaboration, Licensing, and Public Policy David J. Teece
CASE I-2 Advent Corporation R.S. Rosenbloom
READING I-2 How to Put Technology into Corporate Planning Alan R. Fusfeld
READING I-3 The Core Competence of the Corporation C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel
Technological Innovation and Strategy
CASE I-3 Pixim (A) Cara McVie and Robert A. Burgelman
READING I-4 Management Criteria for Effective Innovation
CASE I-4 Matrix semiconductor (A) Lyn Denend and Robert A. Burgelman
Case I-5 StubHub (A) Adam Block and Robert A. Burgelman
READING I-5 Defining the Minimum Winning Game in Hi-Tech Ventures Robert A. Burgelman and Robert E. Siegel
READING I-6 Assessing Your Organizations Capabilities: Resources, Processes, & Priorities Clayton M. Christensen & Stephen P. Kaufman
CASE I-6 Electronic Arts in 1995 C.C. Oliver
CASE I-7 Electronic Arts in 2002 Frederic Descamps
CASE I-8 Electronic Arts in 2005: The Next Generation of Convergence Ryan Kiskis, Shoshanna Stussy and Robert A. Burgelman
READING I-7 The Art of High-Technology Management M.A. Maidique and R.H. Hayes
Part Two Design and Implementation of Technology Strategy: an Evolutionary Perspective Technological Evolution
READING II-1 Patterns of Industrial Innovation William J. Abernathy and James M. Utterback
READING II-2 Exploring the Limits of the Technology S-Curve. Part I: Component Technologies Clayton M. Christensen
READING II-3 Exploring the Limits of the Technology S-Curve. Part II: Architectural Technologies Clayton M. Christensen
CASE II-1 MySQL Open Source Database in 2004 Christof Wittig, Sami Inkinen, and Robert A. Burgelman
CASE II-2 MySQL Open Source Database in 2006 Christof Wittig and Robert A. Burgelman
READING II-4 How Can We Beat our Most Powerful Competitors Clayton M. Christensen
READING II-5 Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower
CASE II-3 Making SMaL Big: SMaL Camera Technologies Clayton M. Christensen and Scott D. Anthony
READING II-6 Disruption, Disintegration and the Dissipation of Differentiability Clayton M. Christensen, Matt Verlinden, and George Westerman
Industry Context
CASE II-4 The U.S. Telecommunications Industry: 1996-1999 Eric Marti
CASE II-5 Slouching Toward Broadband  Revisited in 2005 Robert A. Burgelman, Les Vadasz, and Philip E. Meza
CASE II-6 SAP America Artemis March
READING II-7 Crossing the Chasmand Beyond Geoffrey A. Moore
READING II-8 Competing Technologies: An Overview W. Brian Arthur
CASE II-7 Digital Creation and Distribution of Music: Revisited in 2005 Robert A. Burgelman, Les Vadasz, and Philip E. Meza
READING II-9 Finding the Balance: Intellectual Property in the Digital Age Philip Meza and Robert A. Burgelman
READING II-10 Note on New Drug Development in the United States Stefan Thomke and Ashok Nimgade
CASE II-8 Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Development Strategy Stefan Thomke, Ashok Nimgade, and Paul Pospisil Organizational Context
READING II-11 Gunfire at Sea: A Case Study of Innovation Elting E. Morison
READING II-12 Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms Rebecca M. Henderson and Kim B. Clark
CASE II-9 Hewlett-Packard: The Flight of the Kittyhawk
CASE II-10 Intel Corporation: The DRAM Decision George W. Cogan and Robert A. Burgelman
READING II-13 Intraorganizational Ecology of Strategy Making and Organizational Adaptation: Theory and Field Research
READING II-14 Strategic Dissonance Robert A. Burgelman and Andrew S. Grove
Strategic Action
READING II-15 Strategic Intent Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad
CASE II-11 Infosys Consulting in 2006: Leading the Next Generation of Business and Information Technology Consulting Aneesha Capur and Robert A. Burgelman
CASE II-12 Inside Microsoft: The Untold Story of How the Internet Forced Bill Gates to reverse Course Paul Carroll
CASE II-13 Intel Corporation: Strategy for the 1990s George W. Cogan and Robert A. Burgelman
Case 14 Inside Microsoft: The Untold Story of How the Internet Forced Bill Gates to Reverse Course
READING II-16 Let Chaos Reign, Then Rein in Chaos-Repeatedly Robert A. Burgelman and Andrew S. Grove
CASE II-15 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., in 1999 Margot Sutherland and Kelly DuBois
CASE II-16 Charles Schwab in 2007 Robert A. Burgelman and Philip E. Meza
CASE II-17 HP and Compaq Combined: In Search of Scale and Scope Robert A. Burgelman and Philip E. Meza
READING II-17 Managing the Strategic Dynamics of Acquisition Integration Robert A. Burgelman and Webb McKinney
Part Three Enactment of Technology Strategy-Developing a Firm's Innovative Capabilities Internal and External Sources of Technology
READING III-1 Capturing the Returns From Research Clayton M. Christensen, Christopher Musso, and Scott Anthony
READING III-2 The Lab That Ran Away from Xerox Bro Uttal
READING III-3 Perfecting Cross-Pollination Lee Fleming
READING III-3 Transforming Invention into Innovation: The Conceptualization Stage Robert A. Burgelman and Leonard R. Sayles
READING III-4 The Transfer of Technology from Research to Development H. Cohen, S. Keller, and D. Streeter
READING III-5 Adsorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation Wesley M. Cohen and Daniel A. Levinthal
CASE III-1 NEC: A New R&D Site in Princeton Walter Kuemmerle and Kiichiro Kobayashi
CASE III-2 Cisco Systems, Inc.: Acquisition Integration for Manufacturing Nicole Tempest and Christian G. Kasper
READING III-6 Making Sense of Corporate Venture Capital Henry W. Chesbrough Linking New Technology and Novel Customer Needs
READING III-7 Note on Lead User Research Stefan Thomke and Ashok Nimgade
CASE III-3 Whats the BIG Idea Clayton M. Christensen and Scott D. Anthony
READING III-8 Eager Sellers and Stony Buyers John T. Gourville
CASE III-4 GolfLogix: Measuring the Game of Golf John T. Gourville and Jerry N. Conover
READING III-9 Misleading Methods of Financial Analysis Clayton M. Christensen, Stephen P. Kaufman, & Willy Shih
READING III-10 Living on the Fault Line Geoffery Moore Internal Corporate Venturing
CASE III-5 Pitney Bowes Inc. Clayton M. Christensen and Howard Yu
CASE III-6 Cisco Systems, Inc.: Implementing ERP Mark Cotteleer
CASE III-7 R.R. Donnelley & Sons: The Digital Division Artemis March
CASE III-8 Intel Corporation: The Hood River Project Raymond S. Bamford
CASE III-9 3M Optical Systems: Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship Christopher A. Bartlett and Afroze Mohammed
READING III-10 At 3am, A Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity Brian Hindo
READING III-11 Managing the Internal Corporate Venturing Process: Some Recommendations for Practice Robert A. Burgelman
READING III-12 Managing Internal Corporate Venturing Cycles Robert A. Burgelman and Liisa Valikangas
READING III-13 Ambidextrous Organizations: Managing Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. OReilly III Enactment of Technology Strategy-Creating and implementing a Development Strategy New Product Development
READING IV-1 Communication Between Engineering and Production: A Critical Factor H.E. Riggs
CASE IV-1 Vitreon Corporation: The Hyalite Project Who wrote this
READING IV-2 The New Product Learning Cycle M.A. Maidique and B.J. Zirger
CASE IV-2 Eli Lilly: The Evista Project Matthew C. Verlinden
READING IV-3 Organizing and Leading Heavyweight Development Teams Kim B. Clark and Steven C. Wheelwright
READING IV-4 Finding the Right Job for Your Product Clayton M. Christensen and Scott Anthony Building Competence/ Capabilities Through New Product Development
CASE IV-3 The ITC eChoupal Initiative David M. Upton and Virginia A. Fuller
READING IV-5 Creating Project Plans to Focus Product Development Steven C. Wheelwright and Kim B. Clark
CASE IV-4 GenentechCapacity Planning Daniel C. Snow, Steven C. Wheelwright, and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
READING IV-6 The New Product Development Map Steven C. Wheelwright and W. Earl Sasser, Jr.
READING IV-7 Accelerating the Design-Build-Test Cycle for Effective New Product Development Steven C. Wheelwright and Kim B. Clark
Conclusion: Innovation Challenges in Established Firms
CASE V-1 Intel Centrino in 2007: A New Platform Strategy for Growth Robert A. Burgelman and Philip E. Meza
CASE V-2 SAP AG in 2006: Driving Corporate Transformation Thomas R. Federico and Robert A. Burgelman
READING V-1 Building a Learning Organization David A. Garvin
READING V-2 The Power of Strategic Integration Robert A. Burgelman and Yves L. Doz
CASE V-3 Nikes Global Womens Fitness Business: Driving Strategic Integration Lyn Denend and Rob

1088 pages, Paperback

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