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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2007, wydanie I

cena netto: 55.00 Twoja cena  52,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

All companies are in search of extraordinary leaders. Jack Zenger, the co-founder of Zenger Miller and Vice Chairman of Provant, shows readers how to turn managers into leaders, and good leaders into great ones.

Based on the findings from more than 200,000 assessments from 20,000 managers from North America and Europe, the authors have identified the key competencies to effective leadership. Their research, which may surprise most managers, reveals that the key to effective leadership does not lie in correcting weaknesses (such as the ones revealed in 360-degree surveys), but focuses on core strengths.

John Zenger (Oren, UT) is Executive Vice president and Director of Provant, Inc., one of the largest performance skills improvement companies in the world. Before that, he co-founded Zenger Miller, a firm that specialized in leadership development. Zenger holds a doctorate in business administration from the University of Southern California. He is the author of several books, including Results-Based Leadership, which was honored by the Society of Human resource Management as the best book in the year 2000.

Table of Contents

Extraordinary leadership Leaders can be Made Great leaders make a great difference

Make good leaders great Raise the leadership "tent"

Character is the essence of leadership Leaders need personal capability

Focus on results

Cultivate interpersonal skills

Lead organizational change

ind your leadership sweet spot

Focus on building strengths

Concentrate on developing three to five strengths

Let the halo effect work for you Fix fatal flaws

Learn from mistakes

Build positive relationships

Be open to new ideas

Be accountable

Take imitative

Learn from feedback

Take a nonlinear approach

Take steps to improve leadership skills

Develop your people

128 pages Paperback

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