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wydawnictwo: ABC-CLIO INC. , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A practical guide to leveraging hidden knowledge intangibles to fuel growth and innovation and add value to your business.

Intangible Capital: Putting Knowledge to Work in the 21st-Century Organization is for every manager struggling to succeed and innovate in today's knowledge-based economy. This must-have handbook helps businesspeople build smarter, more successful companies by maximizing the knowledge that is already inside their organizations.

Most businesspeople have heard of the growing importance of knowledge workers, information technology, innovation, networks, reputation, and performance management. Like no other guidebook, Intangible Capital shows how each of these trends fit into an overall discipline of intangibles management. The book takes the ten basic building blocks of traditional, industrial-era businesses and defines their knowledge-era equivalents—intangibles as the new raw material, intellectual capital (IC) as the new production line, IC assessment as the new balance sheet, and networks as the new organizational chart. This approach provides a clear road map for managers adapting to the realities of business today, one that helps translate the new world of the knowledge-based economy into understandable terms and ready-to-implement ideas.

Table of Contents

Foreword Leif Edvinsson Edvinsson, Leif



I The New Factory 1

1 Knowledge is the New Oil 3

2 Intangibles are the New Raw Materials 19

3 Intangible Capital is the New Factory 39

II The New Management 51

4 Networks are the New Organization Charts 53

5 Orchestration is the New Command and Control 65

6 Innovation is the New Strategy 77

III The New Accounting 89

7 Intangible Capital Expenditure is the New Capital Expenditure 91

8 Assessment is the New Balance Sheet 107

9 Performance Measurement is the New Income Statement 123

10 Reputation is the New Bottom Line 139

Conclusion 153

Notes 157

Index 163

184 pages, Hardcover

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