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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie II

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This book is a comprehensive guide to decision making for students of Financial Services Marketing, or marketers working within the financial services sector. The second edition is fully comprehensively revised and updated, with a new structure, many new chapters, a range of international case studies and vignettes and well-developed pedagogical features.

JILLIAN FARQUHAR is Reader in Marketing at the Business School, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She leads research in the Marketing & Operations area and teaches marketing strategy at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is currently Editor of the International Journal of Bank Marketing and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Financial Services Marketing.

ARTHUR MEIDAN is Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Sheffield University Management School, UK. He has lectured, consulted and taught extensively on bank and insurance marketing throughout the world. He has also published widely and currently serves on the editorial board for both the International Journal of Bank Marketing and the Journal of Financial Services Marketing.

Table of Contents

List of figures

List of tables

List of exhibits


Introduction 1

Background to the book 2

Core themes 2

Who is the book intended for? 2

Distinctive features 3

Pedagogy 3

Contributors 3

About the authors 4

1 Marketing and financial services: an overview 5

Learning outcomes 6

Introduction 7

What are financial services? 7

The financial services industry 12

Marketing 13

Marketing services 16

Components of services marketing 18

Financial services 20

Technology 22

Corporate social responsibility 22

After the credit crunch 22

Summary 23

References 24

Further reading 24

Exercises 25

Case study: Long live mutuality! The friendly society 25

2 The financial services environment 29

Learning outcomes 30

Introduction 31

The financial services environment 32

Political/regulatory environment 33

Regulatory bodies 34

Europe 36

Basel Accord 38

Economic environment 39

Eurozone 39

The natural environment 43

Recycling and green behaviours 44

Sustainability 44

Socio-cultural environment 46

Technology 47

The stakeholder environment 49

Competitors 49

Brokers and intermediaries 50

Suppliers 50

Employees 51

Management 51

Strategic partners 52

Customers 52

Shareholders 53

Summary 54

References 55

Further reading 55

Exercises 56

Case study: Financial services in China - a case study of the credit card 56

3 The financial services customer 65

Learning outcomes 66

Introduction 67

Consuming financial services 68

Taking decisions 69

Decision-making units 72

Alternative perspectives on consumption 72

Risk 74

Involvement 76

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction 77

Customer loyalty 81

Customer switching and inertia 83

Persistency 84

Business behaviour 86

Summary 89

References 89

Exercises 92

Further reading 92

Case study: Consumer attitudes to finance and pensions - a Swedish case study 92

4 Segmenting and targeting the financial services marketplace 97

Learning outcomes 98

Introduction 99

What is segmentation? 99

Consumer segments 100

Predetermining segments 100

Behavioural segmentation 104

Dynamic segments 108

Internet users 110

Segmentation practice 112

Business segments 113

Organizing segmentation 115

Organizational structure 115

Double-checking 116

Targeting 117

Positioning 118

Summary 121

References 121

Exercises 123

Further reading 123

Case study: Customer segmentation in Swiss retail banking 124

5 Information regarding marketing financial services 133

Learning outcomes 134

Introduction 135

Researching the marketplace 136

Organizational learning 137

Customer relationship management (CRM) 139

Customer value 143

Size of wallet 143

Share of wallet (SW) 143

Cross-selling and up-selling 145

Customer attrition 146

Customer persistence 147

Satisfaction and share of wallet 148

Loyalty programmes 149

Organizing information 152

Ethics in research and information management 154

Summary 155

References 157

Exercises 157

Further reading 157

Case study: Expatriates 157

6 Relationship marketing in financial services 163

Learning outcomes 164

Introduction 165

Relationship marketing 165

Developing a central element to the relationship 166

Personalize the relationship 166

Increasing the central element by offering extra benefits 167

Making employees aware that they are immediately responsible to the customer 167

Relationships with stakeholders 168

Business relationships 170

Cross-cultural relationships 172

Relationship outcomes 173

Customer satisfaction 174

Trust and commitment 174

Relational benefits 175

Internal marketing 177

Relationship lifecycle 178

Digital relationships 181

Managing business accounts 182

Connecting with consumers 182

Summary 183

References 184

Exercises 186

Further reading and references 186

Case study: Managing customer relationships in Irish retail banking 187

7 Building and sustaining the financial services brand 195

Learning outcomes 196

Introduction 197

What is a brand? 198

Branding in financial services 198

Developing the brand 200

Extending the brand 203

Sustaining the brand 204

Corporate branding and identity 205

Product branding 207

Own label 208

Partnerships 209

Re-branding 209

Stakeholders 210

Communities 211

Branding to the customer 212

Branding responsibly 212

Stakeholder branding 214

Branding in a digital environment 215

Brands in a global environment 215

Brand equity 217

Summary 219

Exercises 219

References 219

Further reading 221

Case study: Re-branding a major Russian financial group - the Alfa Banking Group 221

8 Creating value: The financial services product 225

Learning outcomes 226

Introduction 227

The financial product 227

Value and benefits 229

Bundling 230

The service performance 231

Service setting 231

The customer experience 232

Value co-creation 234

New product development 235

Product elimination 241

Service quality and delivery 241

Service recovery 243

Affinity marketing 244

Summary 246

Exercises 246

References 246

Further reading 250

Case study: Pay as you go or not? 250

9 Pricing and value in financial services 255

Learning outcomes 256

Introduction 257

Costs 257

Pricing objectives 260

Increase market share 260

Profit maximization 260

Product quality leadership 260

Pricing strategies 261

Penetration or low pricing 261

Price bundling 262

Relationship pricing 263

Risk and pricing 266

Pricing by channel 268

Fixed pricing 268

The customer 270

New and existing customers 270

Perceptions and awareness 271

Evoked set 272

Price satisfaction 273

Perceived value and consumption 275

Summary 277

References 277

Exercises 279

Further reading and information 279

Case study: Price satisfaction in Austrian banks 280

10 Distributing financial services 287

Learning outcomes 288

Introduction 289

Distribution 289

Channel strategy 290

Adoption of channels 291

Branches 293

Financial services intermediary 296

Price comparison information 299

Remote banking 299

Automated telling machines (ATMs) 300

Telephone 302

Mobile banking 303

Internet 304

Multichannel banking 306

Managing multiple channels 306

Consumers and multiple channels 308

Summary 309

Exercises 310

References 310

Further reading 312

Case study: Credit Agricole - a multichannel mutual bank 312

11 Communicating in the marketing of financial services 319

Learning outcomes 320

Introduction 321

The communications loop 322

Message sender and recipient 322

Selecting the target audience 323

Source and interpretation of message 324

Did it work for you? 325

Marketing communication objectives 326

Needs recognition 326

Finding customers 327

Building the brand 327

Overcoming alternatives 327

Deciding to purchase 328

Retaining customers and relationships 328

Marketing communications strategy 329

Pull strategy 331

Push strategy 331

Profile strategy 332

Communications and quality 332

Determining budgets 335

Marketing communications mix 336

Advertising 336

Direct mailing 338

M-technology 339

Sponsorship 339

Word-of-mouth 341

Personal selling 341

Public relations 342

Blogging 343

Communicating in a global marketspace 343

Summary 345

Exercises 345

References 346

Further reading 347

Case study: The ASA and Alternative Finance Group Ltd 347

12 Marketing strategies in financial services 351

Learning outcomes 352

Introduction 353

What is strategic marketing? 354

Competitive strategies 357

Marketing strategies 359

Being offensive 360

Protection strategies 362

Social responsibility and stakeholder thinking 367

Relationships and brands 368

Brands as relationship builder 370

The immediate future? 373

The rise of the alternatives 373

Marketing more than ever 374

Summary 375

References 376

Further reading 378

Exercises 378

Case study: Tesco - the rise and rise of a food retailer 378

Index 383

350 pages, Paperback

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