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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

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This innovative new teaching text provides an introduction to personal investment in a world defined by uncertainty. With a focus on risk, socio-economic change and the regulatory framework, and a wealth of international case studies, the book covers all the key issues that affect personal investment decisions and their ultimate success or failure.

MARIANA MAZZUCATO holds a Chair in the Economics of Innovation at The Open University, UK. She is Director of the Open University's inter-faculty research centre Innovation, Knowledge and Development (www.open.ac.uk/ikd) and is Coordinator of a large European Commission FP7 project called Finance, Innovation and Growth. She is currently a Visiting Professor at the Bocconi University in Milan.

ALAN SHIPMAN was an economic researcher, business journalist, emerging markets analyst and freelance writer before joining The Open University as an economics lecturer in 2008. His areas of published research include markets, globalization, economic method and the growth of social science.

ANDREW TRIGG is Senior Lecturer in Economics at The Open University, UK.

Table of Contents

Contributors ix

Preface xi

Introduction 1

1 Themes in personal investment 6

2 Structure of the book 17

References 19

Part 1 Products and Players 21

Chapter 1 From saving to investment 25

1 Introduction 27

2 High-street banks: the first place to save? 31

3 Risk and return in banking 38

4 Banks and financial markets 55

5 Conclusion 62

References 64

Chapter 2 Investment choices 67

1 Introduction 69

2 Investment choices 71

3 Understanding risk 81

4 Evaluating risk and return 91

5 Non-financial investments 106

6 Conclusion 109

References 110

Part 2 Strategies and Markets 113

Chapter 3 Risk-return strategies 117

1 Introduction 119

2 Taxation and transaction costs 121

3 Building a portfolio 126

4 Balancing risk and return 138

5 Measuring investment performance 148

6 Investment in practice 157

7 Conclusion 162

References 163

Chapter 4 Markets and players 165

1 Introduction 167

2 What financial markets are intended to provide 169

3 Derivative markets 176

4 Financial market efficiency 188

5 Active investment management in the light of the EMH 195

6 'Infomediaries' and the problem of unbiased information 199

7 Conclusion 204

References 205

Part 3 Bubbles and the Economy 209

Chapter 5 Economic fluctuations 213

1 Introduction 215

2 Economic fluctuations 217

3 Are economies self-correcting? 222

4 Economic indicators 235

5 Fiscal and monetary policy 242

6 The open economy 250

7 Conclusion 254

References 255

Chapter 6 Bubbles and investment behaviour 259

1 Introduction 261

2 Bubbles in historical perspective 265

3 Categorising asset bubbles 273

4 Overvalued compared to what? 277

5 Volatility and animal spirits 280

6 Efficiency or madness of crowds? 283

7 Behavioural finance 285

8 Implications for personal investment strategies 296

9 Conclusion 300

References 301

Part 4 Regulation and the Long Term 305

Chapter 7 Regulating the financial system 309

1 Introduction 311

2 Financial markets and financial regulation 313

3 Financial liberalisation in the UK 322

4 UK financial regulation 325

5 Regulatory challenges 334

6 International financial regulation 346

7 Conclusion 353

References 355

Chapter 8 Conclusion: investing for the long term 359

1 Introduction 361

2 Retirement planning for the individual investor 364

3 Retirement as a social challenge: the case of pensions 372

4 Conclusion 385

References 386

Glossary 389

Acknowledgements 429

Index 431

304 pages, Paperback

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