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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

At some time in the future the recession will end. But what will happen then? How will customers respond to organizations that mistreated them in the past? What can organizations do now?

Marketing Through Turbulent Times addresses these questions by tying together four themes: democracy, economic recession, individual depression and customer-centred strategies.

Written for decision makers who want to ensure that their marketing strategies are not only relevant for today’s difficult environment but will also provide a solid foundation for future growth, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone making strategic marketing decisions.

Marketing Through Turbulent Times is a common sense, accessible book about marketing that provides a range of tools, principles and approaches for managers wanting to fine tune their current marketing strategies today and identify innovative growth opportunities which will allow them to lead their organization toward a robust future.

JENNY DARROCH is on the faculty at the Peter F. Drucker School and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Managementat at Claremont Graduate University, USA. She is an accomplished author and her publications have appeared in leading journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Small Business Management. She recently co-edited (with George Day and Stan Slater) a Special Issue of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science: A Tribute to Peter Drucker in 2009.

Table of Contents

• The Context: The Consumers' Perspective, The Consumer Response, Social Media
• Staying Focused: Hope is Not Enough, Growth Through Excellent Execution
• Generating Growth by Pushing Product-Market Boundaries
• The Risks and Benefits of Generating Growth, Generating and Managing Ideas
• Conclusions.

256 pages, Hardcover

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