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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 155.00 Twoja cena  147,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

European integration has had, and is continuing to have, an enormous impact on the state of Europe: through transforming the nation-state; creating new supranational institutions and joint policy-making; integrating markets and liberalizing trade; fiscal redistribution; and through fostering the formation of transnational elite networks and growing identification with Europe; but also through accentuating social friction; raising concerns about the remoteness of supranational policy-making and serving as a focal point for 'Eurosceptic' political mobilization. Thus, it is increasingly crucial for researchers, students and citizens to understand the complex history of the present-day European Union. This book provides them with a highly accessible state of the art introduction to how historians and social scientists have conceptualized, written about, and debated this increasingly shared contemporary history of Europe since World War II.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Abbreviations Introduction; W.Kaiser&A.Varsori
From Normative Impetus to Professionalization: Origins and Operation of Research Networks; A.Varsori
From Pioneer Work to Refinement: Publication Trends; K.Seidel
From Isolation to Centrality: Contemporary History meets European Studies; W.Kaiser
Between Political Commitment and Academic Research: Federalist Perspectives; D.Pasquinucci
At the Heart of Integration: Understanding National European Policy; M.Gehler
Governing Europe: Charting the Development of a Supranational Political System; P.Ludlow
The European Rescue of the Nation-State? Tracing the Role of Economics and Business; M.Rasmussen
Formation of a European Society? Exploring Social and Cultural Dimensions; L.Mechi
Partners and Rivals: Assessing the American Role; M.Gilbert
Foreign Policy Beyond the Nation-State: Conceptualizing the External Dimension; G.Garavini
Bibliography Index

264 pages, Paperback

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