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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

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This book explains the influences, in terms of persons and events, that led Keynes to overthrow the classical theory of economics and replace it with his own revolutionary general theory.

PAUL DAVIDSON is Editor and co-founder of the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. He is the author, co-author or editor of 18 books and more than 220 published professional articles. He has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers University, University of Bristol (UK), and the University of Tennessee. He has also held Visiting Professorships at University of Nice, Institute For Advanced Studies (Vienna), and University of Strasbourg, He has been the Associate Director of the Economics Division of Continental Oil company, a member of the Brookings Economics Panel, and consultant to numerous organizations including Resources For the Future, Energy Policy Project (Ford Foundation), central Bank of Ecuador, Central Bank of Venezuela, Central Bank of Uruguay, and the Interamerican Institute of Capital Markets, Federal trade Commission, Western Union Telegraph Company, Chase Econometrics Associates, State of Alabama, New York State Consumer Protection Agency, Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. International Communications Agency (USIA and USIS).

Table of Contents

List of Figures     x
List of Tables     xi
Preface     xiii
An Introduction to Keynes and His Revolutionary Views     1
Keynes's early intellectual surroundings     3
Keynes's intellectual development     5
How the Great War and Its Aftermath Affected Keynes's Thinking     7
Keynes's Middle Way: Liberalism is Truly a New Way     13
The Before and After of Keynes's General Theory     18
Keynes's revolutionary theory versus mainstream classical theory     18
Axioms and theory building     26
The neutral money axiom     27
The gross substitution axiom     30
Uncertainty and the ergodic axiom     31
Aborting Keynes's revolutionary analysis     35
The Conceptual Difference between Keynes's General Theory and Classical Theory - Savings and Liquidity     38
What is a classic book?     38
Say's Law     40
The aggregate supply function     44
The aggregate demand function     44
A note on Friedman's alternative definition of saving     55
Further Differentiating Keynes's Aggregate Demand Function     58
Two aggregate demand components     58
Investmentspending     60
What about other components of D[subscript 2]?     64
Government taxes and spending     65
Appendix to chapter 6: deriving the aggregate supply and aggregate demand functions     68
The Importance of Money, Contracts, and Liquid Financial Markets     75
The reality of money contracts     75
Contracts, markets, and the security blanket of liquidity     78
Liquidity and contracts     87
The role of financial markets     90
Financial markets and Keynes's liquidity theory     96
The need for market orderliness     97
Booms and busts     98
Is reality predetermined, immutable, and ergodically knowable or nonergodic, unknowable, and transmutable?     100
Crucial decisions and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship     112
Designing policy     114
World War II and the Postwar Open Economies System     116
Planning for the postwar open economy system     117
Classical Trade Theory versus Keynes's General Theory of International Trade and International Payments     126
The benefits associated with the classical theory of international trade     126
International trade and liberalized markets: the facts     127
Trade, the wealth of nations, and the law of comparative advantage     128
Can a reduction (devaluation) in the exchange rate always cure an unfavorable trade balance?     138
Reforming the World's Money     145
A lesson from the early post-World War II history     145
The Bretton Woods experience and the Marshall Plan     146
Keynes, free trade, and an international payments system that promotes full employment     148
Changing the international payments system     152
Inflation     160
Contracts, prices, and inflation     161
The inflation process in a Keynes world     162
Incomes inflation     163
Incomes policy     164
Keynes's Revolution: The Evidence Showing Who Killed Cock Robin     169
Fixed wages and the problem of unemployment     174
Who actually aborted Keynes's revolution?     176
Samuelson's Neoclassical Synthesis Keynesianism     176
The coming of Keynesianism to America     179
How did Samuelson learn Keynes's theory?     180
The axiomatic differences between Samuelson's Neoclassical Keynesianism and Keynes/post-Keynesian theory     183
What about Hicks's IS-LM model?     185

Conclusion     187
Notes      190
Bibliography     200
Index     206

224 pages, Paperback

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