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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

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We have recently seen stock-markets plunge and governments bail out banks. People have been made redundant, and many others are very worried. Some of the short essays in this collection are part musing and part reaction to the recent economic situation, which hope to dispel nonsense and encourage sense in the world of people management.

ADRIAN FURNHAM is Professor of Psychology at University College, London, UK. He is on the editorial board of a number of journals, has received many awards, and was recognized as the most productive psychologist in the world from 1980 to 1989. He is the author of over 600 journal articles and more than 42 books, including successful, popular management books. He acts as a consultant to a number of bodies including HM Government, British Airways, HBOS and SAP and also a number of multinational corporations. He writes regular columns in the Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Times and is a frequent contributor to BBC radio and television.

Table of Cotents

Preface xi

Introduction 1

Abusing staff 23

Benevolence and entitlement 25

Birth order, creativity, and leadership 28

Brains and beauty 31

Business speed dating 33

Careers advice 36

Common sense in troubled times 38

Communication diets 42

Compensation satisfaction 44

Corporate affairs 47

The criterion problem 49

Decisional latitude 52

Describing failure 55

Disagreeable leaders 57

Drinking in the workplace/boozing in business 59

Dysfunctional empathy 61

Faith at work 63

First impressions 66

Five factors of hubris 68

Forget your weakness 71

Getting to work and behavior at work 74

Going the extra mile 77

Happiness and success 80

Insight 82

Inspirational oratory 84

Integrity testing at selection 86

The joy of Mammon 88

Listening for clues 90

Machiavellian intelligence 92

Malleability or rigidity? 94

Management tagging 96

Modern management styles 98

Morale 101

Mr Niceguy 104

Onion and garlic types 106

Organizational prurience 108

Organizational shock absorbers 110

Organizational territoriality 112

Paradoxical constraint 115

Paranoia, perfectionism, and psychopathy 117

Pathological ambition 120

Pay secrecy 123

Pedantic, popularist, or puerile 127

People data 130

The physiology of leadership 132

Placebonic encounters 135

Political tactics at work 137

Psycho-logical marketing 139

Psychology of redundancy 142

The psychopath in our midst 144

Publication bias in business 146

Pushy parents 149

Retail enlightenment 151

Revisionist management theories 153

Selling ideology 156

Service orientation 158

Service sector strategy 162

Sex in management 164

Spurious connections 167

Story time170

Strategies for talent management 172

Subtle stereotypes 174

Success 177

Suppressed overfunctioning managers 179

Taking offense 182

Talent retention 185

Target setting 188

Typical and maximal performance 190

Value re-engineering 192

Who learns what from coaching? 194

Work-life ethics 196

Work on your weaknesses 198

Workplaces for oldies 200

216 pages, Paperback

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