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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In this cutting-edge anthology, contributors examine the diverse ways in which girls and young women across a variety of ethnic, socio-economic, and national backgrounds are incorporating and making sense of digital technology in their everyday lives. Contributors explore identity development, how young women interact with technology, and how race, class, and identity influence game play.

SANDRA WEBER is Professor of Education, Concordia University, Canada.
SHANLY DIXON is a PhD candidate, Concordia University, Canada.

Table of Contents

Young People and Technology: Issues and Concepts; S.Weber& S.Dixon
Growing Up with New Technologies: A Longitudinal Case Study; S.Weber & J.Weber
'I'm the One Who Makes the Lego Racers Go:' Virtual and Actual Space in Videogame Play; S.Giddings
Time, Space and Embodiment in Girls' Experiences of Technologies; S.Weber & S.Dixon
Computer Games: Methods, Players and Gender; D.Carr
Young People Constructing Identities as Game Players and as Game Designers; C.Pelletier
The Girls Room: Negotiating Schoolyard Friendships Online; K.Boudreau
Blogging: Private Writing in Public Spaces?; B.Bell
Children's Experiences of Technologies: Power and Technicity; H.Kennedy& J.Dovey
Playing at and with 'Tween' Culture: Consuming Popular Culture Websites as an Instance of Critical Digital Literacy; J.Reid-Walsh
Consuming Fashion and Producing Meaning through Online Paper-Doll Sites; R.Willett
Surfin' for Idols: Pop 'Girls' and Digital Technology; C.Steenbergen
Tween Culture and Digital Technologies in the Age of AIDS; C.Mitchell& J.Reid-Walsh
'There are too many of us for this to be abnormal!!!' Girls Creating Identity and Forming Community in Pro Ana/Mia Websites; M.Polak
New Girl (and New Boy) at the Internet Café: Digital Divides/Digital Futures; G.Sokoya& C.Mitchell
Contested Spaces: Public Discourses and Policy Problematics; L.Regan-Shade
Re-viewing Girls and New Technologies; S.Dixon& S.Weber

292 pages, Paperback

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