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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

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Europe in the last two decades has gone through unprecedented political, social, and economic transformations. The restructuring of post-WWII welfare systems, the disintegration of Yugoslavia through a series of fratricidal wars, the rise of racist and nationalist movements, and the enlargement of NATO and of the EU to include former socialist countries after the end of the Cold War characterize this period. The new geopolitical order has affirmed a neo-liberal economic doctrine throughout Europe. A by-product of this phenomenon has been increasing marginalization of groups which do not 'fit' the new socio-economic regime. Amongst them are millions of Roma, for whom chronic unemployment and social exclusion have become the norm. As a response to their increasing social marginalization, human and minority rights discourses and regimes have emerged, consolidating alongside an embryonic Romani political movement.

This book sheds light on experiences of political participation of Romani citizens in both Eastern and Western Europe, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the political space that Roma occupy in states within an enlarged EU.

The contributors are leading activists, politicians, and scholars involved in critical debates and policy making vis-a-vis Romani citizens. The book analyzes key political experiences and debates salient for the European Union, as well as implications for other ethnic minorities in Europe. It also offers new perspectives on core issues and paradoxes surrounding Romani political participation and mobilisation at the EU, national, and local levels, including case studies from both Eastern and Western Europe.

NANDO SIGONA is Researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK and Lecturer in Refugee Studies, Oxford Brookes University, UK. His research interests include forced migration and EU asylum policy and practice, claims-making and mobilization of migrant communities, and Romani politics and social exclusion. He has worked as researcher and consultant on a number of research projects funded by the UK Home Office, EU, OSCE, Refugee Housing Association, Joseph Rowentree Foundation, Paul Hamlyin Foundation. He is also a co-founder of OsservAzione, an independent action research group working on anti-racism and Roma rights in Italy.
NIDHI TREHAN is ESRC Research Fellow in the School of Public Policy and Political Science, University College London, UK. She works actively in the areas of human rights and social policy as a practitioner and academic, and has published in the areas of human rights, identity politics, NGOs/social movements and migration, with a focus on the Romani communities of Europe. She serves as an expert witness for the UK Home Office on asylum cases, and has worked with several Romani NGOs. She has consulted for organizations such as the OSCE, the UNHCR, as well as the Open Society Institute. 

Table of Contents

Foreword; E.Balibar
Introduction: Romani Politics in Neoliberal Europe;  N.Sigona& N.Trehan


EU Initiatives on Roma: Limitations and Ways Forward;  W. Guy
The Romani Subaltern within Neoliberal European Civil Society: NGOization of Human Rights and Silent Voices; N. Trehan
Beyond Boundaries? Comparing the Construction of the Political Categories 'Gypsies' and 'Roma' before and after EU Enlargement;  K. Simhandl
Romani Political Mobilisation from the First International Romani Union Congress to the European Roma, Sinti and Travellers Forum;  J. Nirenberg
Contentious Politics in Europe: Experiences of Desegregation Policy in Hungary and the Push for an EU-level Strategy on Romani Integration;  N. Trehan in conversation with MEP Viktória Mohácsi
The Limits of Rights-based Discourse in Romani Women's Activism: The Gender Dimension in Romani Politics; A. Kóczé


The Romani Movement in Romania: Institutionalization and (De)mobilization; I. Rostas
Social Unrest in Slovakia 2004: Romani Reaction to Neoliberal 'Reforms';   M. Marušák & L. Singer
Being Roma Activists in Post-independence Kosovo;  N. Sigona in conversation with Avdula (Dai) Mustafa & Gazmen Salijevic Spanish Gitanos, Romani Migrants and European Roma Identity: (Re)unification or Self-affirmation?; M. Laparra & A. Macías
New Labour's Policies and their Effectiveness for the Provision of Sites for Gypsies and Travellers in England; J. Richardson& A. Ryder
The 'Problema Nomadi' vis-a-vis the Political Participation of Roma and Sinti at the Local Level in Italy; N. Sigona

Conclusions: A 'People's Europe' for Romani Citizens?;  N. Sigona & N. Trehan 

336 pages, Hardcover

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