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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 175.00 Twoja cena  166,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

How can political theory help us understand and solve the political questions of our time? This introduction to political theory illuminates its relevance and applicability and clarifies what is at stake in debates over welfare; terrorism and civil liberties; minority rights; abortion and euthanasia; freedom of speech and a range of other issues.

KATHERINE SMITS is Senior Lecturer in Political Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.  Prior to this she was Visiting Assistant Professor at Miami University, USA.  She has published on political theory, multiculturalism and historical apology, and is the author of Reconstructing Post-Nationalist Liberal Pluralism: From Interest to Identity (Palgrave 2005). 

Table of Contents

How Should Domestic Resources Be Distributed? Taxation, Welfare and Redistribution
Are Minority Cultures Entitled to Recognition and Rights?
Is Affirmative Action Fair?
Should Prostitution and Pornography Be Legal?
Should Same-Sex Marriage Be Legal?
Should the State Prohibit Euthanasia and Abortion?
Should Offensive Speech Be Regulated?
Should Civil Liberties Be Restricted in Responding to the Threat of Terrorism?
Should Rich Countries Give More Foreign Aid?
Can Military Intervention into other Countries Be Justified on Humanitarian Grounds?
Should the Natural Environment Be Protected for Future Generations?

296 pages, Paperback

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