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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 365.00 Twoja cena  346,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Organizational values are extremely topical, as private and public organizations are not only evaluated according to their products and profits, but also according to the circumstances of the product – labour conditions, materials, risks, human rights and social responsibilities.

Faced with dramatic innovations in modern societies, ideas of right and wrong are changing. No simple moral intuition is able to solve new dilemmas. No fixed rules can handle organizational learning processes. Constantly values are clashing with no objective solution. Instead, values are defining the identity of organizations, and organizations are engaged in ongoing discussions of values, integrating new values as premises for their decision making.

Business Ethics and Organizational Values operates on three levels – society, organization and values.

First, the dynamics of modern society are analyzed. Secondly, organizations are viewed an autopoietic systems constantly engaged in value debates with its stakeholders. Thirdly, values are placed in a business context presenting conflicting stakeholder values and showing how values make organizations sensitive to their environment. A practical method, Ethical Accounting, is outlined, making it possible to measure the degree of values fulfilment. Also the dark side of values is discussed under the headline of hypocrisy.

Business students, managers in private and public organizations will face a wholly new vision of the interrelations between society, organizations and values.

OLE THYSSEN is a well-known Danish philosopher, who for the last 40 years has published more than 30 books on psychoanalysis, Marxism, systems theory, ethics and aesthetics. He has worked on five Danish universities and is now Professor at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

Table of Contents

Functional Subsystems
Forms of Compulsion
Growth as Inflation of Demands
What is an Organization?
Four Systems of the Organization
Why Values in Organizations?
Changing Values of Labour
Values and Stakeholders
From Values to Morality to Ethics
Values and Accounting
Beautiful Lies - Values in Practice

264 pages, Hardcover

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