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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie VII

cena netto: 355.00 Twoja cena  337,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Psychological theories, complete with tools and methods, for dealing with human resource issues.

Interdisciplinary and research-based in approach, Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management integrates psychological theory with tools and methods for dealing with human resource problems in organizations and for making organizations more effective and more satisfying places to work.

The seventh edition reflects the state of the art in personnel psychology and dramatic changes that have recently characterized the field, and outlines a forward-looking, progressive model toward which HR specialists should aim.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Organizations, Work, and Applied Psychology
Chapter 2: The Law and Human Resource Management
Chapter 3: People, Decisions, and the Systems Approach
Chapter 4: Criteria: Concepts, Measurement, and Evaluation
Chapter 5: Performance Management
Chapter 6: Measuring and Interpreting Individual Differences
Chapter 7: Validation and Use of Individual Differences Measures
Chapter 8: Fairness in Employment Decisions
Chapter 9: Analyzing Jobs and Work
Chapter 10: Strategic Workforce Planning
Chapter 11: Recruitment
Chapter 12: Selection Methods: Part I
Chapter 13: Selection Methods: Part II
Chapter 14: Decision-Making for Selection
Chapter 15: Training and Development: Considerations in Design
Chapter 16: Training and Development: Implementation and the Measurement of Outcomes
Chapter 17: International Dimensions of Applied Psychology
Chapter 18: Organizational Responsibility and Ethical Issues in Human

552 pages, Paperback

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