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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie II

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

If you are studying forensic science, or a related course such as forensic chemistry or biology, then this book will be an indispensable companion throughout your entire degree programme. This ‘one-stop’ text will guide you through the wide range of practical, analytical and data handling skills that you will need during your studies. It will also give you a solid grounding in the wider transferable skills such as teamwork and study skills.

Table of Contents


Study and examination skills
1. The importance of transferable skills
2. Managing your time
3. Working with others
4. Taking notes from lectures and texts
5. Learning and revising
6. Assessments and exams
7. Preparing your curriculum vitae

Information technology and library resources
8. Finding and citing published information
9. Evaluating information
10. Using the Internet and the World Wide Web
11. Using spreadsheets
12. Word processors, databases and other packages

Communicating information
13. Organising a poster display
14. Giving a spoken presentation
15. General aspects of scientific writing
16.Writing essays, literature surveys and reviews
17. Reporting practical and project work
18. Writing a forensic statement and presenting evidence in court

The investigative approach
19. Making and recording measurements
20. Making observations, drawing diagrams and taking photographs
21. SI units and their use
22. Scientific method and design of experiments
23. Project work

Crime scene investigation
24. Collecting evidence - basic principles
25. Investigating footwear marks, impressions and tyre marks
26. Investigating fingerprints
27. Investigating tool marks

Fundamental laboratory techniques
28. Your approach to practical work
29. Health and safety
30. Working with liquids
31. Basic laboratory procedures
32. Principles of solution chemistry
33. pH and buffer solutions
34. Introduction to microscopy
35. Setting up and using microscopes

Analytical techniques
36. Sample preparation
37. Immunoassay
38. Electrophoresis
39. Chromatography – basic principles
40. Gas and liquid chromatography
41. Basic spectroscopy
42. Atomic spectroscopy
43. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
44. Infra-red and raman spectroscopy
45. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
46. Mass spectrometry

Quantitative analysis
47. Fundamental principles of quantitative chemical analysis
48. Calibration and quantitative analysis

Forensic chemistry
49. Alcohol analysis
50. Bulk drug analysis
51. Analysis of glass
52. Analysis of paint
53. Forensic toxicology
54. Analysis of fires and explosions
55. Firearms and ballistic evidence
56. Document analysis

Forensic biology
57. Analysis of hair
58. Analysis of fibres
59. Analysis of biological fluids
60. DNA analysis – fundamental principles
61. DNA analysis – forensic applications
62. Analysis of skeletal remains
63. Forensic odontology
64. Forensic entomology
65. Forensic botany

Analysis and presentation of data
66. Using graphs
67. Presenting data in tables
68. Hints for solving numerical problems
69. Descriptive statistics
70. Choosing and using statistical tests

Answers to Study exercises

624 pages, Paperback

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