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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Marketing. Everyone knows it’s really hard to do well and marketers have never been under so much pressure. More questions are being asked about value and effectiveness than ever before. We live in a world of turbulence and flux. This book gives you the tools and the motivation to deal with this change and to go out and be described as a brilliant marketer.

Brilliant Marketing answers key questions such as:

• What is a brand? What is marketing and how is it changing? What is good, what is poor, what is brilliant?

• How can I be creative enough to stand out? Creative like the Google logo. Creative like Cadbury’s Gorilla.

• How do I write and manage a marketing plan?

Richard Hall is the author of Brilliant Presentation 1e and 2e, Secrets of Success at Work, Brilliant Marketing and Brilliant Business Creativity. Richard Hall spent his early career as a marketer at Reckitt’s, RHM and Corgi Toys before moving into senior roles in the world of advertising at French Gold Abbott, FCO and finally, Euro RSCG.

Richard Hall now runs his own consultancy, chairs Showcase Communications, Shaftesbury Young People and the Friends of St. Nicholas.

He is married and lives in Brighton.

Table of Contents

Author's acknowledgements

Publisher's acknowledgements


part 1 Let’s get marketing into context – psychology, history and alchemy

1 introduction to marketing brilliance

2 have you got the right stuff to be a marketer?

3 the marketing battleground – past, present and future

4 on brands and brilliance – how do they work?

part 2 Ladies and gentlemen choose your weapons

5 advertising – the root of the great sales pitch

6 how to make advertising work

7 where to advertise so it reaches the people you want to reach

8 PR – just give them the facts

9 sponsorship – living close to excitement

10 design is it!

11 direct marketing – the world of measuring results

12 customer relations marketing – the people side of marketing

13 experiential marketing – using the senses to market yourself

14 buzz marketing – when everyone starts talking about you

15 digital marketing – nothing will be the same again

16 branded entertainment – when programmes and advertising join together (and other wacky ideas)

part 3 Creating and executing a great marketing plan

17 the first steps in creating a marketing campaign

18 refining objectives, messages, mood and attitude

19 how to write a brilliant marketing plan

20 how to choose and manage suppliers, agencies and brilliant people

21 the ten ways to manage a marketing campaign

part 4 Strategy, creativity and the bigger picture

22 sorry – there’s been a budget cut

23 the art of creative thinking – turning brilliance into reality

24 how to run a brilliant marketing workshop

25 why research can be a rude word when you are trying to be brilliant

26 as of today, everything’s in play

part 5 Summary and highlights

27 summary and highlights

28 read and see

352 pages, Paperback

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