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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie IX

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The ninth edition of Curriculum Planning is a selection of readings that presents the knowledge, skills, and alternative strategies needed by curriculum planners and teachers at all levels of education, from early childhood through adulthood. The book offers a variety of learning experiences for students with wide-ranging interests, learning styles, and backgrounds.

Table of Contents


PART I: Bases for Curriculum Planning

CHAPTER 1: Goals and Values

Character and Academics: What Good Schools Do

Jacques S. Benninga, Marvin W. Berkowitz, Phyllis Kuehn, & Karen Smith

Uncovering Teacher Leadership

Richard Ackerman & Sarah V. Mackenzie

Perspectives on Four Curriculum Traditions

William H. Schubert

Democracy at Risk

William E. White, Richard van Scotter, Michael H. Haroonian, & James E. Davis

The Organization and Subject-Matter of General Education

Robert M. Hutchins

The Case for Essentialism in Education

William C. Bagley

The Case for Progressivism in Education

William Heard Kilpatrick

Traditional vs. Progressive Education

John Dewey

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

Values: The Implicit Curriculum

Linda Inlay


CHAPTER 2: Social Forces: Present and Future

Dialogue Across Cultures: Communicating with Diverse Families

Arti Joshi, Jody Eberly, & Jean Konzal

High-Stakes Testing and Accountability as Social Constructs Across Cultures

Raymond V. Padilla

The “Three A’s” for Creating an Inclusive Curriculum and Classroom

Tina M. Anctil

The Dimensions of Multicultural Education

James A. Banks

A Deeper Sense of (Media) Literacy

Cynthia L. Scheibe

Remembering Capital: On the Connection between French Fries and Education

Michael W. Apple

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

Teaching Media-Savvy Students about the Popular Media

Kevin Maness


CHAPTER 3: Human Development

Schools that Develop Children

James P. Comer

Toward a Strategy for Healthy Adolescent Development

David A. Hamburg

The Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Moral Education


Woman’s Place in Man’s Life Cycle

Carol Gilligan

The Biology of Risk Taking

Lisa F. Price

Family and School Spillover in Adolescents’ Daily Lives

Lisa Flook & Andrew J. Fuligni

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

What Ever Happened to Kick the Can? Wellness in School and Community

Tom Burton


CHAPTER 4: Learning and Learning Styles

We Feel, Therefore We Learn: The Relevance of Affective and Social Neuroscience to Education

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang & Antonio Damasio

How Boys Learn

Michael Gurian & Kathy Stevens

Where the Girls Are: The Facts About Gender Equity in Education

Christine Corbett, Catherine Hill, & Andresse St. Rose

Probing More Deeply into the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Ingredients for Critical Reflection

Tyrone C. Howard

Authentic Assessment and Student Performance in Inclusive Secondary Schools

M. Bruce King, Jennifer Schroeder, & David Chawszczewski

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

Lifelines: An Ethnographic Study of an IEP Student

Elsa C. Bro


Part II: Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating the Curriculum


CHAPTER 5: Approaches to Curriculum Development

The Sources of a Science of Education

John Dewey

Teachers, Public Life, and Curriculum Reform

Henry A. Giroux

Who Should Plan the Curriculum?

Glen Hass

A Principal Looks Back: Standards Matter

Kim Marshall

The Limits of Ideology: Curriculum and the Culture Wars

David T. Gordon

The Muddle Machine: Confessions of a Textbook Editor

Tamin Ansary

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

The Case for Teacher-Led School Improvement

LaQuanda Brown


CHAPTER 6: Curriculum Implementation, Instruction, and Technology

Progressive Organization of Subject Matter

John Dewey

Structures in Learning

Jerome S. Bruner

Nurturing the life of the mind

Kathleen Vail

The Many Faces of Leadership

Charlotte Danielson

Adopt and Adapt: Twenty-first-century schools need twenty-first-century technology

Marc Prensky

A Movable Feast

John K. Waters

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice

Ideals vs. Reality in the Classroom

Carol Lupton


CHAPTER 7: Curriculum Evaluation


Nelson Maylone

You Can Teach for Meaning

Jay McTighe, Elliott Seif, & Grant Wiggins.

Learning to Love Assessment

Carol Ann Tomlinson

A Balanced School Accountability Model: An Alternative to High-Stakes Testing

Ken Jones

Using Student Assessment Data To Improve Instruction

Kathryn Parker Boudett, Richard J. Murnane, Elizabeth City, and Liane Moody

What is the Purpose of Grades?

James D. Allen

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice

Time for a Tune-Up: Comprehensive Curriculum Evaluation

Lisa H. Meyers


Part III: The Curriculum in Action


CHAPTER 8: Early Childhood and Elementary Curricula

Promoting Altruism in the Classroom

E.H. Mike Robinson III & Jennifer R. Curry

Making Instructional Decisions Based on Data: What, How, and Why

Kouider Mokhtari, Catherine A. Rosemary, & Patricia A. Edwards

Implementing a Schoolwide Literacy Framework to Improve Student Achievement

Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

Why is Kindergarten an Endangered Species?

Linda H. Plevyak & Kathy Morris

Case Study in Curriculum Implementation:

Learning to Read in Kindergarten: Has Curriculum Development Bypassed the Controversies?

Bruce Joyce, Marilyn Hrycauk, & Emily Calhoun, with the Northern Lights Kindergarten Teachers

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

Building a Community in Our Classroom: The Story of Bat Town, U.S.A.

Andrea McGann Keech


CHAPTER 9: Middle-level Curricula

This We Believe: Successful Schools for Young Adolescents

National Middle School Association

Mayhem in the Middle: Why We Should Shift to K—8

Cheri Pierson Yecke

Guess Again: Will Changing the Grades Save Middle-Level Education?

James Beane & Richard Lipka

The Homework Wars

David Skinner

Building Developmental Assets to Promote Success in School and in Life

Peter C. Scales & Judy Taccogna

Case Study in Curriculum Implementation:

Intentional Curriculum Planning in an Age of Accountability: Explorer Middle School’s Approach

Donald E. Larsen & Tariq T. Akmal

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

Teaming for Better School Climate and Improved Achievement

Luanne L. Kokolis


CHAPTER 10: High School Curricula

Becoming Citizens of the World

Vivien Stewart

Engaging the Disengaged Student: Research Shows Why some are Immersed in Learning while Others are Indifferent

Susan Black

Possible Selves: Identity-Based Motivation and School Success

Daphna Oyserman

Learning the Real-World Skills of the 21st Century

Patricia Joyce

Can Depth Replace Coverage in the High School Curriculum?

Fred M. Newmann

Case Study in Curriculum Implementation:

Going the Extra Mile to Smooth the Transition to High School

Hugh Campbell

Leaders’ Voices–Putting Theory Into Practice:

A Tale of Two Curriculums

Mira Reisberg

600 pages, Paperback

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