Offering a briefer treatment of the elements of physical geography without
sacrificing scientific content, Elemental Geosystems features a distinctive integration of
human-Earth relationships, an applied flavor, and scientific correctness. It is written,
organized, and illustrated to give students an accessible, systematic, and visually
appealing start in physical geography.
Table of Contents
1. Essentials of Geography
PART I: The Energy-Atmosphere System
2. Solar Energy, Seasons, and the Atmosphere
3. Atmospheric Energy and Global Temperatures
4. Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations
PART II: Water, Weather, and Climate Systems
5. Atmospheric Water and Weather
6. Water Resources
7. Climate Systems and Climate Change
PART III: Earth’s Changing Landscape Systems
8. The Dynamic Planet
9. Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes
10. Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement
11. River Systems and Landforms
12. Wind Processes and Desert Landscapes
13. The Oceans, Coastal Processes, and Landforms
14. Glacial and Periglacial Landscapes
PART IV: Biogeography Systems
15. The Geography of Soils
16. Ecosystems and Biomes
17. Earth and the Human Denominator
Appendix A Maps in this Text and Topographic Maps
Appendix B The Koppen Climate Classification System
Appendix C Common Conversions
640 pages, Paperback