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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

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The academic and professional careers if many thousands of HRM students and managers have been underpinned by their reading of Torrington et al’s long-standing, comprehensive and market leading text Human Resource Management.

Now, this same author team has developed a brand new concise text, Fundamentals of HRM, aimed primarily at students who are studying for general business and management degrees, or who are studying HRM as part of a combined honours degree with another discipline in arts, languages, humanities or sciences.

Adopting the same accessible and practical perspective on the discipline, the book focuses on the core responsibilities of people management which every manager will have to undertake and understand. A section on skills such as interviewing, coaching and performance appraisal supports this practical approach.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Managing People at work comes with a MyLab Access Card.

What is a MyLab?

Personalised learning | Online assessment |Your flexible resource to focussed study

Pearson Education’s MyLab products provide an innovative and interactive web-based solution that personalises both the teaching and learning experience. With content developed to match the learning outcomes of the associated textbook, the power of a MyLab lies in the combination of assessment, reporting, and personalised study that helps both students and instructors succeed.

Table of Contents

Guided tour



1 Introducing human resource management

Defining human resource management

HRM and the achievement of organisational effectiveness

Major trends in the HRM business environment

Major themes in contemporary HRM practice

Key debate: The state of the psychological contract

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


Part 1 Managing people at work

2. Organising a workforce

Workforce organisation

Flexibility for organisational benefit

Key debate: Work-life integration

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


3. Recruitment and retention

Methods of recruitment

Employer branding

Staff turnover rates and trends

Staff retention strategies

Key debate: The significance of skills shortages in the UK

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


4. Selection

Selection as a two-way process

Selection criteria

Selection methods

Final selection decision making

Key debate: Validity and use of selection methods

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


5. Performance management

Introducing performance management

Stages in a performance management system

Implementation and critique of performance management

Evaluation of performance management systems

Key debate: 360-degree feedback

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


6. People development

The UK learning and development context

The value of learning and development to organisations and individuals

The line manager and learning and development

The use of behavioural competencies in learning and development

Methods of learning and development

Key debate: Is e-learning the future of learning and development?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


7. Reward management

Management objectives

Setting base pay

The elements of payment



Total reward

Key debate: Does PRP work?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


8. Employee relations

Strategic choices

Employee involvement


Information sharing


Key debate: The role and future of trade unions

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


Part 2 Emerging issues in managing people

9. Employment regulation

A regulatory revolution

Discrimination law

Unfair dismissal law

Health and safety law

Family-friendly employment law

Key debate: Is employment law a benefit or a burden for businesses?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


10. Diversity in Employment

What do we mean by diversity in employment?

Why is diversity in employment important?

Implications for line managers

Achieving successful diversity in organisations

Key debate: Managing diversity or emphasising equality?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


11. Human resource strategy

The nature of HR strategy and its link with organisational strategy

Theoretical perspectives of strategic HRM

Key debate: What are the people management implications of downsizing and where does the line manager fit in?

The line manager as downsizing agent

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


12. Leading people

Some definitions: Leadership and management

What are the traits of leaders and effective leaders?

What is the ‘best way to lead’? Leadership styles and behaviours

Do leaders need different styles for different situations?

Developing leadership skills

Key debate: Do organisations need heroic or empowering leaders?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


13. The HR contribution

The role of line managers in HR

Analysis of HR roles and structures

Outsourcing HR

Key debate: HR shared services – what’s best for line managers and employees?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


14. Managing people internationally

The HRM dimension to international management

Different ways of working overseas

Key debate: Managing an international workforce, away or at home?

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


15. The future of HRM

The labour market

Competitive pressures


Key debate: Future contractual arrangements

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading


The Skills Package

1. Face-to-face skills in management

Why managers need to develop skills in various face-to-face situations

Effectiveness in interaction

Different types of interaction

Fundamental skills in setting the tone

Fundamental skills in listening

Fundamental skills in questioning

Fundamental skills in feedback

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


2. The selection interview

Varieties of selection interview

The purpose of the selection interview

Interviewing strategy

The selection interview sequence

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links

Practical exercise in selection interviewing

3. The appraisal interview

Appraisal problems

The appraisal interview style

The appraisal interview sequence

Making appraisal work

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


4. Coaching

The scope and potential of coaching

The career anchor

The qualities of the coach

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links


5. The disciplinary interview

The nature of disciplinary interviewing

The discipline sequence

Summary propositions

General discussion topics

Further reading

Web links




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