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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie VII

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What makes an effective leader? This book discusses theories of leadership and provides practical advice for business leaders.

This text provides a balance of theory and practice as it surveys the major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in formal organizations.

Changes in the Seventh Edition include a reorganization of chapters to make room for additional material while maintaining the unique structure that addresses both academics and practitioners. The text now covers ethical, spiritual, servant, and authentic leadership and discusses diversity in leadership roles.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction: The Nature of Leadership


Definitions of Leadership

Indicators of Leadership Effectiveness

Overview of Major Research Approaches

Level of Conceptualization for Leadership Theories

Other Bases for Comparing Leadership Theories

Organization of the Book


Review and Discussion Questions

2. Managerial Traits and Skills


Nature of Traits and Skills

Research on Leader Traits and Skills

Managerial Traits and Effectiveness

Managerial Skills and Effectiveness

Other Relevant Competencies

Situational Relevance of Skills

Evaluation of the Trait Research

Applications for Managers


Review and Discussion Questions


3. The Nature of Managerial Work

Typical Activity Patterns in Managerial Work

The Content of Managerial Work

Demands, Constraints, and Choices

Research on Situational Determinants

Changes in the Nature of Managerial Work

How Much Discretion Do Managers Have?

Limitations of the Descriptive Research

Applications for Managers


Review and Discussion Questions


4. Perspectives on Effective Leadership Behavior

Ohio State Leadership Studies

Michigan Leadership Studies

Limitations of Survey Research

Experiments on Task and Relations Behavior

Research Using Critical Incidents

The High-High Leader

Leadership Behavior Taxonomies

Specific Task Behaviors

Specific Relations Behaviors

Evaluation of the Behavior Approach


Review and Discussion Questions


5. Participative Leadership, Delegation, and Empowerment

Nature of Participative Leadership

Consequences of Participative Leadership

Research on Effects of Participative Leadership

Normative Decision Model

Applications: Guidelines for Participative Leadership


Applications: Guidelines for Delegating

Perceived Empowerment


Review and Discussion Questions

6. Early Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership

LPC Contingency Model

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

Situational Leadership Theory

Leadership Substitutes Theory

Multiple Linkage Model

Cognitive Resources Theory

General Evaluation of Contingency Theories

Applications for Adaptive Leadership


Review and Discussion Questions

7. Power and Influence

Conceptions of Power and Authority

Power Types and Sources

Consequences of Position and Personal Power

How Power is Acquired or Lost

How Much Power Should Leaders Have?

Influence Tactics

Power and Influence Behavior

Use and Effectiveness of Influence Tactics


Review and Discussion Questions

8. Dyadic Relations, Attributions, and Followership

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

Leader Attributions About Subordinates

Applications: Correcting Performance Deficiencies

Follower Attributions and Implicit Theories

Impression Management

Follower Contributions to Effective Leadership


Applications: Guidelines for Followers

Integrating Leader and Follower Roles


Review and Discussion Questions


9. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership


Two Early Theories

Attribution Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Self-Concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Other Conceptions of Charisma

Consequences of Charismatic Leadership

Transformational Leadership

Primary Types of Research on the Theories

Transformational vs. Charismatic Leadership

Evaluation of the Theories

Applications: Guidelines for Leaders


Review and Discussion Questions


10. Leading Change in Organizations

Change Processes in Organizations

Influencing Organization Culture

Developing a Vision

Applications: Procedures for Developing a Vision

Implementing Change

Applications: Guidelines for Implementing Change

Innovation and Organizational Learning

Applications: Guidelines for Increasing Learning and Innovation


Review and Discussion Questions

11. Ethical, Servant, Spiritual, and Authentic Leadership

Conceptions of Ethical Leadership

Dilemmas in Assessing Ethical Leadership

Determinants and Consequences of Ethical Leadership

Transforming Leadership and Adaptive Problem Solving

Servant Leadership

Spiritual Leadership

Authentic Leadership

Comparison and Evaluation of Theories

Increasing Ethical Leadership


Review and Discussion Questions


12. Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups

The Nature of Teams

Determinants of Team Performance

Leadership in Different Types of Teams

Procedures for Facilitating Team Learning

Applications: Guidelines for Team Building

Decision Making in Groups

Leadership Functions in Meetings

Applications: Guidelines for Leading Meetings


Review and Discussion Questions


13. Strategic Leadership by Top Executives

How Leaders Influence Organizational Performance

Constraints on Executives

Conditions Affecting the Need for Strategic Leadership

Executive Tenure and Strategic Leadership

Political Power and Strategic Leadership

Research on Effects of CEO Leadership

Strategic Leadership by Executive Teams

Two Key Responsibilities for Top Executives


Review and Discussion Questions


14. Developing Leadership Skills

Leadership Training Programs

Designing Effective Training

Special Techniques for Leadership Training

Learning from Experience

Developmental Activities

Self-Help Activities

Facilitating Conditions for Leadership Development

A Systems Perspective on Leadership Development


Review and Discussion Questions

15. Gender, Diversity, and Cross-cultural Leadership


Introduction to Cross-cultural Leadership

Cross-cultural Leadership Research: Types and Difficulties

The GLOBE Project

Cultural Value Dimensions and Leadership

Evaluation of the Cross-cultural Research

Gender and Leadership

Managing Diversity


Review and Discussion Questions


16. Overview and Integration


Major Findings in Leadership Research

Explanatory Processes and Levels of Conceptualization

Toward an Integrating Conceptual Framework

Biases in the Conceptualization of Leadership

Biases in Research Methods

Emerging Conceptions of Leadership

Concluding Thoughts

Review and Discussion Questions

Case: Turnaround at Nissan


Appendix: Cases



Author Index

Subject Index

648 pages, Paperback

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