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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 110.00 Twoja cena  104,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Been laid off? Fired? Pushed out? See it coming? This book will help you get back on your feet, develop a plan of action, and find your next great job!


Real answers from real experts:


  • What to do first…and what never to do
  • How to cope with the havoc, trauma, and anger
  • How to protect your professional reputation
  • How to keep your options open
  • Know your rights
  • What to do while you’re out of work
  • How to safeguard your finances
  • What to tell your family
  • How to keep it from happening again
  • How to come back stronger and better than ever!

You’ve just lost your job. (Or you’re expecting to.) You know you’re not alone: Millions of great people are losing their jobs these days. But this is you we’re talking about. Losing your job can turn your life upside down. It can mess with your mind, your heart, your health, your family life...not to mention your financial security. Losing your job is just plain painful. This practical book will help you get through the trauma-–and come out stronger, smarter, better. Top workplace expert Martha Finney brings together all the answers you need to empower yourself and regain mastery over your own life. Drawing on powerful insights and personal stories from an enormous network of experts, she answers questions like:

  • How do I protect my finances?
  • How do I get past the anger, alienation, and isolation?
  • Why haven’t I heard from my coworkers?
  • What are my rights?
  • Can I get a better severance package?
  • Can I sue? Should I?
  • How do I stay on my career path and keep my options open?
  • How can I objectively evaluate a new job offer?

From start to finish, this book will help you identify your best next steps: the steps that’ll help you get past the trauma and move forward–-emotionally, financially, in your career, and in every part of your life.


The 29 first, best, and worst things to do after a layoff or firing

What to do right now–-and what you should never do

How to protect yourself, one step at a time

Practical solutions for safeguarding your finances, your health, and your family

Build your status as an “A” player

Enhancing your visibility, skills, and even your prestige while you’re out of work

Learn to love networking

It’s not as bad as you think–-really!

Keep it from happening again

Rethinking the whole way you look at employment

Martha I. Finney is President and CEO of Engagement Journeys, LLC, and an internationally-respected expert in employee engagement and leadership communications. A business journalist for 20 years before becoming a full-time consultant, she specializes in helping organizations achieve greater employee loyalty, retention, and passion.

Finney is author or coauthor of more than 13 books, including The Truth About Getting the Best From People (FT Press) and HR From the Heart with Yahoo’s Chief People Officer, Libby Sartain. Her original research on the American workplace has been featured on CNN, NPR’s Morning Edition, and in major newspapers nationwide.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiii

About the Author xv

Preface xvii


Part I The Inner Game of Getting Laid Off 3


1 What to Expect When You’re No Longer Expected 4

2 New Career Realities and New Career Rules 10

3 You’re Still in Control 16


Part II Preparing for a Layoff 21

4 Are You on the Layoff List? 22

Voice of Experience: Rob 23

5 Financial: What to Do Before You Get Laid Off 28

6 Set the Tone for How You Leave 32

7 Plan Your Exit 38

Voice of Experience: Caroline 42


Part III Know Your Rights 47

8 What You Can Expect from a Severance Package 48

9 Stop! Just Say No 50

10 Ask for Special Treatment 56

11 A Word About Noncompete Agreements 60

12 Not That It Matters to You, but It Hurts for Them, Too 64


Part IV When You’ve Been Laid Off 69

13 Financial: Control Your Spending 70

14 What Do I Do with All This Rage? 76

Voice of Experience: Anna 82

15 The Kids Can Handle the Truth 86

16 Good Things to Remember 92

Voice of Experience: Charles 93

Voice of Experience: Simon 96


Part V Landing Your Next Job 101

17 The Importance of Having a Plan 102

18 Learn to Love Networking 108

19 Using Social Networking for Your Job Search 114

20 Build Your “A” Player Status Even Though You Are Not Employed 120

21 Talking About Your Job Loss in Interviews 126

22 How to Evaluate the Job You’ve Been Offered 132

23 Should You Take a Job with a Company That’s Laying People Off? 138

24 Go! Just Say Yes 142

Voice of Experience: Deborah 145

25 Start Your New Job with Confidence 148

Voice of Experience: Sarah 152

26 Never Be in This Situation Again 156


Part VI Appendixes 161

A Step Away from the Fridge! Reach for This Instead 162

B Greg and Martha’s List of Automatic No’s 170

Resources and Suggested Reading 174

Index 180


208 pages, Paperback

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