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wydawnictwo: WILEY-BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 545.00 Twoja cena  517,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book – a companion to Peter Barnes’ book on the sub-contract for the JCT 2005 Standard Building Contract, The JCT 05 Standard Building Sub-Contract – covers the other eight current JCT sub-contracts:

· the Design and Build Sub-Contract

· the Major Project Sub-Contract

· the Intermediate Sub-Contract

· the Intermediate Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s design

· the Intermediate Named Sub-Contract

· the Minor Works Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s design

· the Short Form of Sub-Contract

· the Sub-subcontract

Like the sub-contract for the JCT 2005 Standard Building Contract, these forms are not well covered by other books on building contracts, despite the importance of specialist contractors and the size and value of their work.

This book considers a range of key issues, including questions of time, variations, loss and expense, and payment, and examines how these operate under the individual sub-contracts.

It will be of interest not only to sub-contractors and main contractors, but also to construction professionals and lawyers.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Background and Introduction.

Chapter 2 The subcontract agreement.

Chapter 3 Definitions and Interpretations.

Chapter 4 Subcontractors’ general obligations.

Chapter 5 Time.

Chapter 6 Defects, Design Documents, and Warranties.

Chapter 7 Control of the subcontract works.

Chapter 8 Payment.

Chapter 9 Loss and Expense.

Chapter 10 Variations.

Chapter 11 Injury, Damage and Insurance.

Chapter 12 Termination of Subcontract.

Chapter 13 Settlement of disputes

424 pages, Hardcover

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