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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie VI

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This text examines the biology and social context in which women and men express gendered behaviors.

Defining gender as the behaviors and attitudes that relate to (but are not entirely congruent with) biological sex, the book focuses on research and scholarship to provide the material for a critical review and an overall picture of gender from a psychological perspective. To highlight how research findings can relate to people’s lives, the book supplements the review of scholarly research with personal, narrative accounts of gender-relevant aspects of people's lives. To emphasize the cross-cultural perspective of gender, the book including a section on diversity in most chapters but also weaves diversity issues throughout the text. The personal narrative and diversity highlights help to balance the research-based scholarship with the personal experience of gender.

Table of Contents


1 The Study of Gender 0

< Headline: “Are Men Boring?” Telegraph, June 11, 2008

< Headline: “Are You Calling Us Boring? Telegraph, June 12, 2008

< Headline: “Are Gender Stereotypes Boring?” New Statesman, June 23, 2008 0

History of the Study of Sex Differences in Psychology 0

The Study of Individual Differences 0

Psychoanalysis 0

The Development of Women’s Studies

The History of Feminist Movements 0

Sex or Gender? 00

Women in Psychology 00

The Appearance of the Men’s Movement 00

Considering Diversity 00

< Summary 00

< Glossary 00

< Suggested Readings 00

2 Researching Sex and Gender 00

< Headline: “Does Gender Matter?”Nature, July 13, 2006 00

How Science Developed 00

Approaches to Research 00

Quantitative Research Methods 00

Qualitative Research Methods 00

Researchers’ Choices 00

Gender Bias in Research 00

Sources of Bias 00

Ways to Deal with Bias in Science 00

< Summary 00

< Glossary 00

< Suggested Readings 00

3 Gender Stereotypes: Masculinity and Femininity 00

< Headline: “This Swimmer Is in Deep End of Gender Wars”Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2008

History of Stereotypes of Men and Women 00

The Cult of True Womanhood 00

Masculinities 00

Conceptualizing and Measuring Masculinity and Femininity 00

The Process and Implications of Stereotyping 00

Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination 00

Perceptions of Women and Men 00

Development of Stereotypes in Children 00

Explicit and Implicit Stereotyping 00

Negative Effects of Stereotyping 00

Considering Diversity 00

< Summary 00

< Glossary 00

< Suggested Readings 00

4 Hormones and Chromosomes 00

< Headline: “PMS Makes You Smarter!” CosmoGirl!, February, 2006 00

< Headline: “Father Nature: The Making of a Modern Dad” Psychology Today, March–April, 2002 00

The Endocrine System and Steroid Hormones 00

Stages of Differences Between the Sexes 00

Sexual Differentiation 00

Development of Male and Female Physiology 00

Changes during Puberty 00

Variations in Sexual Development 00

Hormones and Behavior Instability 00

Premenstrual Syndrome 00

Testosterone and Aggression 00

Considering Diversity 00

< Summary 00

< Glossary 00

< Suggested Readings 00

5 Theories of Gender Development 00

Headline: “Girls Gone Bad”Newsweek, February 12, 2007 000

The Psychodynamic Approach to Personality 000

Freud’s Theory of Personality 000

Horney’s Theory of Personality 000

Contemporary Psychodynamic Theories of Personality Development 000

Social Learning Theory 000

Cognitive Theories of Gender Development 000

Cognitive Developmental Theory 000

Gender Schema Theory 000

Which Theory Is Best? 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

6 Developing Gender Identity 000

< Headline: “A Boy’s Life”The Atlantic, November, 2008 000

Gender Identity Development 000

Development during Childhood 000

Later Development 000

Influences on Gender Identity Development 000

Biological Factors and Gender Development 000

Family Environment and Gender Development 000

Peers and Gender Development 000

The Media and Gender Development 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

7 Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities 000

Headline: “Lost in Space” Vogue, June, 2001 000

Cognitive Abilities 000

Verbal Performance 000

Mathematical and Quantitative Performance 000

Spatial Performance 000

Other Cognitive Abilities 000

Source of the Differences 000

Biological Evidence for Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities 000

Evidence for Other Sources of Gender Differences 000

Implications of Gender-Related Differences 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

8 Emotion 188

< Headline: “Big Boys Don’t Cry—And Other Myths About Men and Their Emotions” Reader’s Digest, October, 2005 000

< Headline: “There’s No Crying in Business” Fortune, October 18, 2004 000

Gender in the Experience and Expression of Emotion 000

The Myth of Maternal Instinct 000

The Prominence of Male Aggression 000

Expressivity and Emotion 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

9 Relationships 000

< Suggested Readings Headline: “Why We Love”Time, January 28, 2008 000

Friendships 000

Development of Styles 000

Friendships over the Life Span 000

Flexibility of Styles 000

Love Relationships 000

Dating 000

Marriage and Committed Relationships 000

Dissolving Relationships 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

10 Sexuality 257

< Headline: “How to End to War over Sex Ed” Time Atlantic, April 6, 2009 000

The Study of Sexuality 000

Sex Surveys 000

Masters and Johnson’s Approach 000

Childhood Sexuality: Exploration and Abuse 000

Heterosexuality 000

During Adolescence 000

During Adulthood 000

Homosexuality 000

During Adolescence 000

During Adulthood 000

Bisexuality 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

11 School 000

< Headline: “Boy Problems” New York Times Magazine, April 3, 2005 000

The School Experience 000

Early Schooling 000

Changes during Middle School 000

High School 000

College and Professional School 000

Achievement 000

Achievement Motivation 000

Fear of Success 000

Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence 000

Attributions for Success and Failure 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

12 Careers and Work 327

< Headline: “Women Slowly Gain on Corporate America”USA Today, January 2, 2009 000

Careers 000

Career Expectations and Gender Stereotyping 000

Career Opportunities 000

Gender Issues at Work 000

Gender Segregation on the Job 000

Gender, Communication, and Power in the Workplace 000

Sexual Harassment at Work 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

13 Health and Fitness 359

< Headline: “Why Marriage Is Good Medicine for Men” Parade, June 18, 2006 000

Mortality: No Equal Opportunity 000

Cardiovascular Disease 000

Cancer 000

Violent Deaths 000

The Health Care System 000

Gender Roles and Health Care 000

Reproductive Health 000

Gender, Lifestyle, and Health 000

Eating 000

Exercise and Fitness 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

14 Stress, Coping, and Psychopathology 000

< Headline: “Facing Darkness” Newsweek, February, 26, 2007 000

Stress and Coping 000

Sources of Stress for Men and Women 000

Coping Resources and Strategies 000

Diagnoses of Mental Disorders 000

The DSM Classification System 000

Gender Inequity in the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders 000

Gender Comparisons in Psychopathology 000

Depression 000

Substance-Related Disorders 000

Anxiety Disorders 000

Other Disorders 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

15 Treatment for Mental Disorders 000

< Headline: “Man’s Last Stand: What Does It Take to Get a Guy into Therapy?” Psychology Today, August, 2004 000

Approaches to Therapy 000

Psychoanalysis 000

Humanistic Therapy 000

Cognitive Therapy 000

Behavior Modification 000

Medical Therapies 000

Accusations of Gender Bias in Therapy 000

Gender Issues in Therapy 000

Feminist Therapy 000

Therapy with Men 000

Gender-Sensitive Therapies 000

Sexual Exploitation in Therapy 000

The Self-Help Movement 000

Online Support Groups 000

Gender Issues in Self-Help 000

Considering Diversity 000

< Summary 000

< Glossary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

16 How Different? 000

< Headline: “Signs of Détente between Venus and Mars” New York Times, May 31, 2007 000

What Do Women Want? What Do Men Want? 000

Have Women Become More Like Men? 000

Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? 000

Multiple Roles Have Become the Rule 000

Where Are the Differences? 000

Differences in Ability 000

Differences in Choices 000

Is a Peace Plan Possible? 000

< Summary 000

< Suggested Readings 000

References 000

Name Index 000

Subject Index 000

560 pages, Paperback

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