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wydawnictwo: SPRINGER , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 508.20 Twoja cena  482,79 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

In recent years, justice-related issues have figured prominently on the international agenda. This expansion of the justice space is a product of a growing demand for accountability in world politics.

Whether the issue is addressing heinous crimes such as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in situations of armed conflict, confronting the inability or reluctance of governments to protect their own populations, or responding to the challenges posed by transnational terrorism, the international community has witnessed the proliferation of institutions and mechanisms, as well as the dynamic interplay between domestic and international processes, in the pursuit of justice-sensitive outcomes. International and hybrid tribunals, UN-led and domestic counter-terrorist initiatives, and the use of force for human protection purposes have demarcated the space within which ethical, political, and legal debates have unfolded in the quest for a more humane world order.

In International Criminal Justice: Legal and Theoretical Perspectives, the authors address some of the most important debates surrounding key mechanisms and processes involved in this quest, and assess the merits of contending approaches to the promotion of international justice norms. This volume will contribute to the ongoing debate on the challenges, as well as opportunities, facing the justice agenda in its effort to shape developments in an increasingly interdependent world.

Table of Contents

Can Domestically Seated War Crimes Tribunals Generate Positive Externalities?: A Case Study of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Richard Culp & Christopher Warburton

Divided We Stand?: American and European Perspectives in the Fight Against Transnational Terrorism
M. Victoria Perez-Rios

It Counts, but Only When it Does Not Matter?: Evolving Standards of Decency and the Law of Other Countries
Robert Schopp

Just-in Time Justice: Flexibilizing Borders, Law and Human Rights
Nancy Wonders

Just War Claims: Historical Theory, International Policing and Modern Rhetoric
Toy-Fung Tung

Lawlessness and Legality in International Justice: The Case of Humanitarian Intervention
Jill Stauffer

Policing the Human: Lawfare and Humanitarianism
J. Paul Narkunas

Restorative Justice under the International Criminal Court Regime
Dragana Radosavljevic

Terrorism: The Dilemma of Response
Elena Pokalova

The Terrorist Threat to Civil Liberties
Martin Wallenstein

United Nations Counterterrorist Strategies and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities
George Andreopoulos

218 pages, Hardcover

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