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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 154.50 Twoja cena  146,78 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

One of today’ best-known and most controversial thinkers on management has joined forces with other leading business figures to provide a thought-provoking mix of writing on management.

The cutting edge views depicted in this book are controversially the opposite of what is often held up as the truth in management.

Management? Its Not What you Think! brings readers an unusual mix of perspectives to help stimulate more creative management thinking and more enjoyable, challenging and more productive ways to lead their teams. This is a book readers can dip into, a book they can savour, a book that won’t fail to get them reflecting on what management really is…

Table of Contents

Management Decision Making
Decision Making: It’s Not What You Think, Henry Mintzberg and Frances Westley
Biases and Limitations of Judgment: Managers, Spyros G. Makridakis
The Soft Underbelly of Hard Data, Henry Mintzberg
Management and Magic, Martin L. Gimpl and Stephen R. Dakin
Fuzzy Management, Keith Grint
How to…Make a Decision, Guy Browning
The More Experienced the Managers, the More They Trust Simple Intuition, Richard Farson
The Secret Life of the CEO: Do They Even Know Right From Wrong?, Keith H. Hammonds

Management Language
Manage, OED
Words: Functional Digital Options, Lew Gloin
Managerm Bytos, Henry Mintzberg, Santa, and his other helper
Listening is More Difficult than Talking, Richard Farson
PowerPoint is Evil, Edward Tufte
Why Most Managers are Plagiarists, Lucy Kellaway
Hallmarks of the non-job, Lucy Kellaway

Management Laws
Parkinson’s Law, Cyril Northcote Parkinson
The Peter Principle, Laurence C. Peter
Laws and Rules: From A to Z, Unattributed

Change Management
“Change Management” is an Oxymoron, Jim Clemmer
Strategy Up and Down, John Kotter and Michael Beer
The Change Cube, Henry Mintzberg
Strategic Think as Seeing, Henry Mintzberg
Honda: Backing Into a Brilliant Strategy, Richard Pascale
Crafting Strategy, Henry Mitnzberg
Managing Change
Jonathon Golsing and Henry Mintzberg (from “The Five Minds of a Manager”)
Senior Managers Aren’t Cooks, They’re Ingredients, David K. Hurst

Management Education
The Impression Left by an MBA Education, Henry Mintzberg
The MBA and the Bug Cleaner, Henry Mintzberg
Jack’s Turn, Henry Mintzberg
The Case Against Cases, Henry Mintzberg
Getting There and Performing There, Henry Mintzberg
The MBA and the Symphony Orchestra, Anonymous
New Bureaucrats for a Bureaucratic Age, Henry Mintzberg

Enough Leadership, Henry Mintzberg
The Case Against Leaders, Walter Kiechel III
A Star Executive Does Not Make a Company, John Kay
A TextBook Case of Heroic Management, Henry Mintzberg
Rules for Being a Heoric Leader, Henry Mintzberg
There are no Leaders, There is Only Leadership, Richard Farson
Leadership and Communityship, Henry Mintzberg
Why it’s Tough at the Top for the 21st Century CEO: Power, Knowledge and Dissent, Keith Grint and Jim Scholes
There’s No Compensation for Hypocrisy, Henry Mintzberg
New Element for Periodic Table, Anonymous
On Managing Professionals, Henry Mintzberg

Management History
A Brief History of Management, Jason Tanz
The Management Myth, Stewart Matthew
The Deputy Quartermaster-General of Simla, Sir Ian Hamilton
Organization and Repressed Sexuality, Gareth Morgan

Management Work
The Manager’s Job, Henry Mintzberg
In Praise of Middle Managers, Quy Nguyen
Managing Quietly, Henry Mintzberg
Good Managers Don’t Make Policy Decisions, H. Edward Wrapp
What Managers Says and What Managers Do, Albert Shapiro
The Five Minds of a Manager, Jonathon Gosling and Henry Mintzberg
Musings on Management, Henry Mintzberg
A Modern Parable, Anonymous

Management Fads
Spotting Management Fads, Danny Miller and Jon Hartwick
Management Half-Truths and Nonsense, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton
Beyond Selfishness, Henry Mintzberg, Robert Simons and Kunai Basu
Managing: From the Horses Mouth
How We Went Digital Without a Strategy, Ricardo Semler
Whole Foods CEO talks with Kai Ryssdal

Possibles: But Where?
Management and the Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for B
Most Problems That People Have are not Problems, Richard Farson
The Functional Role of Organizational Politics, Richard Farson

Artists, Craftsmen and Technocrats, Patricia Picher
Management: Art, Science, Politics or Magic, Henry Mintzberg
Management as a Practice, Henry Mintzberg
Here’s an Idea: Let Everyone Have Ideas, William C. Taylor

144 pages, Paperback

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