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wydawnictwo: WILEY-BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 138.60 Twoja cena  131,67 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Discovering Research Methods in Psychology: A Student's Guide presents an accessible introduction to the research methodology techniques that underpin the field of psychology

  • Offers a unique narrative approach to introducing the complexities of psychological research methods to first year students
  • Introduces the reader to the three main types of research methods used in psychology – observation, experimentation and survey methods
  • Provides clear summaries of 21st-century published studies that reflect diversity and best illustrate issues in research methodology
  • Includes an emphasis on topics of most interest to students, from those with a personal perspective such as romantic relationships, prejudice and career decisions, to clinical topics including eating disorders, heavy drinking and paranoia 
  • Features a comprehensive glossary of all research terminology used in the narrative

Table of Contents



1. Introduction and How To Use This Book

2. Ethics

3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Experiment -- A Randomised Controlled Trial

4. Music and Stress

Experiment -- A Matched Pairs Design

5. Competitive Anxiety

Experiment -- A Repeated Measures Design

6. Change Blindness

Experiment -- A Single Sample Design

7. Acoustic Preferences

Experiment -- A Programme of Experiments – Animal Studies

8. Cognitive Costs of Racial Prejudice

Experiment -- Unrelated Three-Factor Design Between Groups and Between Conditions

9. Mate-Selection Strategies

Experiment -- A Mixed Two-Factor Design Within and Between Groups

10. The Autistic Spectrum

Structured Observation

11. Cognitive Maps

Clinical/Laboratory Observation

12. Eating Disorders and the Media

Observation – Quantitative Content Analysis

13. Eating Disorders: The Experience

Observation – Qualitative Content Analysis

14. Face Recognition

Observation -- Clinical Case Study

15. Choices and Decisions

Survey Methods -- Quantitative Questionnaire

16. Measuring Romance

Survey Methods – Scale Development

17. Paranoia

Survey Methods -- Interview

18. Understanding Heavy Drinking

Survey Methods – Quantitative and Qualitative

19. Attributing Success and Failure

Cross-Cultural Study – Mixed Methods

20. Contrasting the Methods

Key Topics

BPS Ethical Principles for Conducting Research with Human Participants




344 pages, Paperback

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