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wydawnictwo: CIPD , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 277.20 Twoja cena  263,34 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

This textbook has been written for the new CIPD postgraduate module Learning and Talent Development. It is also ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate HRM students who are taking a module in HRD or L&D.


  • Maps on to the new CIPD Learning and Talent Development unit, ensuring that students have all they need to succeed on this unit
  • Written by Jim Stewart, the Chief Examiner for L&D and the author of the learning and talent development unit
  • Combines a clear and concise structure and writing style with an academic and critical approach


Jim Stewart

  • Running Stream Professor of HRD at Leeds Business School
  • Formerly Senior Lecturer in Personnel and Training Management at Wolverhampton Bus. School
  • Formerly Senior Lecturer in HRD, Reader in HRD and Professor of HRD at Nottingham Bus. School
  • Spent 7 years working in HRD roles for the Local Government Training Board
  • Author and co-author of 13 HRD books & numerous book chapters and articles
  • A founder member of the University Forum for HRD, sopent 5 years as Vice Chair for Research and elected Chair of the Forum for the past 8 years
  • CIPD roles include Chair of Cisiting Quality Assurance Panels, membership of the Advisory Board to the VP for L&D, and Chief Examiner for L&D
  • Held research awards and managed research projects funded by the ESRC and CIPD and LSC. Former Management Charter Initiative, European Union, central government dept, HEFCE & Leeds University

Clare Rigg

  • Claire Rigg lectures at the Institute of Technology, Tralee, Ireland.

424 pages, Paperback

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