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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2011, wydanie II

cena netto: 151.00 Twoja cena  143,45 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Whether yours is a small one-person hop or a large mega-consulting powerhouse, the revised edition of The Consultant's Scorecard helps you move past the same old promises and provide cold, hard proof of success—which you must offer if you want to compete in today's fiercely competitive and fast-growing consulting industry.

Jack and Patti Phillips have fully updated their authoritative work to put you in the best possible position to sell your services to clients who demand proof of unmistakable financial value. On the flipside, this book helps clients determine the validity of prospective consultants' promises and track progress after hiring.

The Consultant’s Scorecard offers simple data collection techniques for measuring the value of a project in six key areas:

  • Client satisfaction
  • New knowledge and skills acquired by the client
  • Successful project implementation
  • Business unit impact
  • Return on investment
  • Intangible benefits

In addition to enabling you to measure your contribution, this process provides a framework you can use to focus on results throughout the consulting intervention.

The key concept in any consulting project today is "accountability." Senior managers are being held more and more accountable for the consulting fees they pay out—so they're requiring more accountability from consultants. The Consultant's Scorecard helps both parties involved in the process form rocksolid measurements of the value of any project.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Setting the Stage;

Chapter 1. The Need for Consulting Accountability from the Client Perspective;

Chapter 2. What's in it for Me: How Consultants Can Prove the Value of their Work to Clients;

Chapter 3. Initial Analysis and Planning;

Part 2: The Six Measures;

Chapter 4. Was it Useful: How to Measure Reaction and Satisfaction;

Chapter 5. What Did the Client Org Learn: HT Measure Skill and Knowledge Changes;

Chapter 6. Was the Intervention Planned Properly: HT Measure Implementation, Application, and Utilization;

Chapter 7. What Was the Impact: HT Capture Business Impact Data;

Chapter 8. HT Calculate and Interpret ROI and other Measures of Financial Payoff;

Chapter 9. HT Capture and Report the Non-Financial Benefits;

Part 3: Key Issues with the Measures;

Chapter 10. Separating the Consulting Impact from Other Factors;

Chapter 11. How to Convert Business Measures to Monetary Values;

Chapter 12. How Much Did It Cost: Monitoring the True Costs;

Part 4: Challenges;

Chapter 13. HT Build a Business Case for the Consulting Expense;

Chapter 14. HT Provide Feedback and Communicate Results to Clients;

Chapter 15. Overcoming Resistence and Barriers to Measuring Consulting ROI

256 pages, Hardcover

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