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Join the TubeMoguls, get Delicious, StumbleUpon customers—and 298 more great tips!

The time to start social media marketing was yesterday. Don't worry, though—this book will get you going today!

301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing is packed with quick "snapshot" lessons for spreading your message and building customers—with little effort and virtually no cost. Designed to help you take action right away, each tip is presented in a stand-alone format to help you focus on what you need to do—and only what you need to do.

301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing provides simple strategies for capitalizing on the top social media platforms like:


You'll own the crowds on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube—as well as on niche sites like Yelp, Ning, SmugMug, and Reddit. Potential customers are already having a conversation about your brand. Use 301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing to grab them before your competitors can say "tweet"!

Table of Contents



1 Social Media in Action

Tip 1 Think of the bigger picture 3

Tip 2 Use less rather than more 4

Tip 3 Appoint a social media champion 5

Tip 4 Track the effect 6

Tip 5 Take action 7

Tip 6 Keep going 8

2 Blogging

Setting Up Your Blog

Tip 7 Decide between a hosted and a self-hosted blog 10

Tip 8 Choose a blogging platform 11

Tip 9 Set up your blog's look and feel 12

Tip 10 Point your own domain name to your blog 13

Tip 11 Set up an RSS feed 14

Tip 12 Use FeedBurner 15

Tip 13 Upload pictures to your post 16

Tip 14 Leverage stats for your blog 17

Writing Useful Blog Content

Tip 15 It's about your readers, not you 18

Tip 16 Carve out a niche 19

Tip 17 Know your subject matter 20

Tip 18 Write viral content 21

Tip 19 Avoid the jargon 22

Tip 20 Don't be self-contained 23

Tip 21 Experiment, track, and respond 24

Tip 22 Encourage audience interaction 25

Attracting a Loyal Reader Base to Your Blog

Tip 23 Let people know about you 26

Tip 24 Write regularly 27

Tip 25 Use your blog to handle criticism 28

Tip 26 Become a guest blogger 29

Making Your Blog Best Friends with Search Engines

Tip 27 Check that you're in Google Search and Google Blog Search 30

Tip 28 How to do keyword research 31

Tip 29 Incorporate keywords into your blog post 32

Tip 30 Tag your blog content 33

Tip 31 Attract inbound links to your blog 34

Tip 32 Leverage other communities' search engine presence 35

Making Money from Your Blog

Tip 33 Understand Google AdSense 36

Tip 34 Set up Google AdSense 37

Tip 35 Understand Text Link Ads 38

Tip 36 Set up Text Link Ads 39

Tip 37 Write paid reviews 40

Tip 38 Use blog-specific advertising networks 41

Tip 39 Use general affiliate networks 42

Joining Blogging Communities

Tip 40 Participate in blogging communities 43

Tip 41 Submit your blog to directories 44

Tip 42 Join MyBlogLog 45

Tip 43 Network with like-minded communities 46

Tip 44 Add other activities to MyBlogLog 47

Tip 45 Add the "Recent Readers" widget to your blog 48

Tip 46 Leverage MyBlogLog stats 49

Tip 47 Understand Technorati 50

Tip 48 Join Technorati and claim your blog 51

Tip 49 Use Technorati tags 52

3 Microblogging

Getting Started on Twitter

Tip 50 Understand Twitter 54

Tip 51 Create your Twitter account 55

Tip 52 Public vs. private accounts 56

Tip 53 Customize your profile 57

Tip 54 Begin tweeting 58

Tip 55 Use URL shorteners 59

Tip 56 Include photographs in your tweets 60

Tip 57 Understand what followers are 61

Tip 58 Find people to follow 62

Tip 59 Reply to followers 63

Tip 60 Retweet 64

Tip 61 Direct messaging 65

Tip 62 Mark favorites 66

Tip 63 Use Twitter search 67

Tip 64 Create lists 68

Leveraging Twitter

Tip 65 Find and track popular hashtags 69

Tip 66 Place hashtags in your tweets 70

Tip 67 Tweet your company blog posts 71

Tip 68 Publicize your account 72

Tip 69 Listen and learn 73

Tip 70 Don't spam 74

Tip 71 Use real time to your advantage 75

Tip 72 Get your employees involved 76

Tip 73 Use mobile applications 77

Tip 74 Use desktop applications 78

Tip 75 Understand Promoted Tweets 79


Tip 76 Understand FriendFeed 80

Tip 77 Understand FriendFeed vs. Twitter 81

Tip 78 Set up a FriendFeed account 82

Tip 79 Create updates 83

Tip 80 Aggregate your feeds 84

Tip 81 Create groups in FriendFeed 85

Tip 82 Interact with others 86


Tip 83 Understand Tumblr 87

Tip 84 Start your Tumblr blog 88

Tip 85 Integrate your RSS feed 89

Tip 86 Add Tumblr widgets 90

Tip 87 Use third-party Tumblr services 91

4 Social Networking

Facebook Pages

Tip 88 Groups vs. pages 94

Tip 89 Understand Facebook pages 95

Tip 90 Define a reason for your page 96

Tip 91 Create your page 97

Tip 92 Use Facebook applications 98

Tip 93 Keep your page fresh 99

Tip 94 How to get traffic to your Facebook page 100

Tip 95 Analyze your stats 101

Tip 96 Work with existing pages and groups 102

Tip 97 Link to and from your page 103

Tip 98 Feed in your Twitter account 104

Tip 99 Feed in your blog posts 105

Tip 100 Use a Fan Box on other sites 106

Facebook Advertising

Tip 101 Understand Facebook ads 107

Tip 102 Create your Facebook ad 108

Tip 103 Decide which audience to target 109

Tip 104 Understand Facebook advertising cost models 110

Tip 105 Decide on a campaign budget 111

Tip 106 Decide on your ad scheduling 112

Tip 107 Measure your ad performance 113

Tip 108 Optimize your ads 114


Tip 109 Set up your company profile 115

Tip 110 Add a "Share on Linkedln" widget 116

Tip 111 Join groups 117

Tip 112 Ask and answer questions 118

Tip 113 Leverage your personal profile 119

Tip 114 Use Linkedln search 120


Tip 115 Understand Orkut 121

Tip 116 Join Orkut 122

Tip 117 Add scraps and updates 123

Tip 118 Engage users on brand community pages 124

Tip 119 Enroll in Orkut Promote 125

Tip 120 Track and improve your ads 126


Tip 121 Understand Plaxo 127

Tip 122 Set up your Plaxo profile 128

Tip 123 Use the Plaxo address book 129

Tip 124 Add connections 130

Tip 125 Use Pulse 131

Tip 126 Enable feeds from other services 132

Tip 127 Create groups 133


Tip 128 Understand Ning 134

Tip 129 Create your Ning network 135

Tip 130 Collaborate with other industry members 136

Tip 131 Encourage the conversation 137

Tip 132 Manage your network effectively 138

Tip 133 Market your network externally 139


Tip 134 Decide whether MySpace is right for your business 140

Tip 135 Set up your profile 141

Tip 136 Find Friends 142

Tip 137 Create fresh content 143

Tip 138 Join groups 144

Tip 139 Add value 145

Tip 140 Use MySpace Advertising 146

Tip 141 Create your ad 147

Tip 142 Learn from your advertising analytics 148

Tip 143 Experiment based on stats 149


Tip 144 Understand Meetup 150

Tip 145 Search for existing groups 151

Tip 146 Create a new group 152

Tip 147 Hold regular meetups 153

Tip 148 Promote your group 154

Tip 149 Sponsor a group 155

5 Social Bookmarking


Tip 150 Understand Delicious 158

Tip 151 Create your account 159

Tip 152 Start bookmarking content 160

Tip 153 Network with other users 161

Tip 154 Write Delicious content 162

Tip 155 Encourage users to bookmark your content 163

Tip 156 Subscribe to tags 164

Tip 157 Mine Delicious for content ideas 165

Tip 158 Be an influential user 166


Tip 159 Understand Digg 167

Tip 160 Customize your profile 168

Tip 161 Install the Digg toolbar 169

Tip 162 Submit stories strategically 170

Tip 163 Write a good title and description 171

Tip 164 Make it easy to Digg your content 172

Tip 165 Network with other Digg users 173

Tip 166 Be active 174

Tip 167 Be discerning 175

Tip 168 Use Digg advertising 176


Tip 169 Understand StumbleUpon 177

Tip 170 Connect directly with other users 178

Tip 171 Find new stumblers 179

Tip 172 Make your page "stumble-worthy" 180

Tip 173 Increase your content's popularity 181

Tip 174 Retain your StumbleUpon traffic 182

Tip 175 Submit other useful content 183

Tip 176 Pay for sponsored stumbles 184

Tip 177 Track and improve your sponsored stumbles 185

Google Reader

Tip 178 Understand Google Reader 186

Tip 179 Subscribe to other feeds and people 187

Tip 180 Select those to share items with 188

Tip 181 Build your readership 189

Tip 182 Share posts in other services 190


Tip 183 Understand Reddit 191

Tip 184 Get started on Reddit 192

Tip 185 Submit content 193

Tip 186 Build up karma 194

Tip 187 Post to subreddits 195

Tip 188 Get your content noticed 196

Tip 189 Encourage others to post your content 197

Tip 190 Make friends 198

Tip 191 Post good content 199

Tip 192 Leverage your existing network 200

6 Multimedia


Tip 193 Understand Flickr 202

Tip 194 Write your profile 203

Tip 195 Upload photos 204

Tip 196 Promote your account 205

Tip 197 Join groups 206

Tip 198 Create your own group 207

Tip 199 Promote your group 208

Tip 200 Add a Flickr badge 209

Tip 201 Decide between a free and a pro account 210

Tip 202 Use Flickr images for your blog content 211

Tip 203 Analyze your stats 212

Tip 204 Don't spam 213

Tip 205 Share quality photos 214

Tip 206 Think about search engines 215

Tip 207 Control how your photos are shared 216


Tip 208 Understand SmugMug 217

Tip 209 Sign up and customize 218

Tip 210 Upload photos 219

Tip 211 Optimize your photos 220

Tip 212 Share your photos 221

Tip 213 Join communities 222

Video-Sharing Sites

Tip 214 Understand the video landscape 223

Tip 215 It's all about the content 224

Tip 216 Keep best practices in mind 225

Tip 217 Share your videos 226

Tip 218 Use Metacafe 227

Tip 219 Use Yahoo! Video 228

Tip 220 Use Viddler 229

Tip 221 Use Vimeo 230

Tip 222 Use TubeMogul to submit videos 231


Tip 223 Understand YouTube 232

Tip 224 Create a channel 233

Tip 225 Create a custom channel 234

Tip 226 Think about search engines 235

Tip 227 Tag your videos 236

Tip 228 Upload your videos 237

Tip 229 Create a call to action 238

Tip 230 Leverage video responses 239

Tip 231 Share videos 240

Tip 232 Build subscribers 241

Tip 233 Participate in the community 242

Tip 234 Use Google AdWords 243

Tip 235 Understand Promoted Videos 244

Tip 236 Create Promoted Videos 245


Tip 237 Understand SlideShare 246

Tip 238 Create a SlideShare account 247

Tip 239 Create good content 248

Tip 240 Upload presentations 249

Tip 241 Use LeadShare 250

Tip 242 Use AdShare 251

Tip 243 Join groups 252

Tip 244 Promote your profile externally 253


Tip 245 Understand podcasting 254

Tip 246 Research topics 255

Tip 247 Create your podcast 256

Tip 248 Create your podcast RSS feed 257

Tip 249 Optimize for search engines 258

Tip 250 Upload your podcast 259

Tip 251 Submit to podcast directories 260

Tip 252 Market your podcast 261

7 Reviews and Opinions

Reviews and Opinions Overview

Tip 253 Respond to positive reviews 265

Tip 254 Respond to negative reviews 266


Tip 255 Understand Yelp 267

Tip 256 Claim your profile 268

Tip 257 Solicit reviews 269

Tip 258 Use your account information 270

Tip 259 Get involved with the community 271

Tip 260 Respond publicly and privately 272


Tip 261 Understand Epinions 273

Tip 262 Set up your profile 274

Tip 263 Write and rate reviews 275

Tip 264 Add people to your Web of Trust 276

Tip 265 Become an elevated member 277

Tip 266 Monitor your brand 278


Tip 267 Understand RateltAll 279

Tip 268 Fill out your profile 280

Tip 269 Get your business listed 281

Tip 270 Encourage others to leave reviews 282

Tip 271 Connect with other users 283

Tip 272 Create and share lists 284

Tip 273 Add the consumer review widget 285

Yahoo! Answers

Tip 274 Understand Yahoo! Answers 286

Tip 275 Set up your profile 287

Tip 276 Ask and answer questions 288

Tip 277 Give quality answers 289

Tip 278 Answer relevant questions 290

Tip 279 Earn points 291

Tip 280 Be active to be visible 292

Tip 281 Don't spam 293


Tip 282 Understand eHow 294

Tip 283 Apply with Demand Studios 295

Tip 284 Join eHow 296

Tip 285 Decide on an article topic 297

Tip 286 Drive search traffic to your articles 298

Tip 287 Upload your article 299

Tip 288 Don't spam 300

Tip 289 Participate in the community 301

Tip 290 Join groups 302

Tip 291 Market your article externally 303

8 Wikis

Wikis Overview

Tip 292 Contribute to niche wikis 307

Tip 293 Use wikis internally 308

Tip 294 Choose wiki software 309

Tip 295 Use wikis to communicate with customers 310

Tip 296 Implement wiki processes 311


Tip 297 Understand Wikipedia 312

Tip 298 Know what to use it for 313

Tip 299 Create a Wikipedia account 314

Tip 300 Start adding and editing content 315

Tip 301 Track what's being said 316

Notes 317

Index 319

328 pages, Paperback

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