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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 149.30 Twoja cena  141,84 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Shareholder value . . . core competence . . .six sigma . . . right sizing . . . These influential strategy ideas have lured many companies into a dangerous internal focus, viewing the world from the inside out. As a result, companies lose sight of the market, which leads to poor results over the long run. Inside-out thinking distracts companies from the core purpose of a business: to create and serve customers.

Fulfilling that purpose can be done only by approaching strategy from the outside in. In this refreshing look at creating enduring business value, two business school professors from The Wharton School and The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, challenge you to shift your perspective. They demonstrate that companies that adopt—and fight to keep—an outside-in view focused on customer value have grown revenue, profit, and shareholder value through both boom and bust business cycles.

Applying years of research, George S. Day and Christine Moorman illustrate that an outside-in view requires constant vigilance and focus on four customer value imperatives:

  • Be a customer value leader
  • Innovate new value for customers
  • Capitalize on the customer as an asset
  • Capitalize on the brand as an asset

Only companies that operate with an outside-in view from the C-suite to the front lines can expect to maximize and profit from customer value.

Strategy from the Outside In puts you ahead of the competition and, just as important, keeps you there.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Strategy from the Outside In
Chapter 2. Profiting from Customer Value
Chapter 3. Imperative One: Be a Customer Value Leader
Chapter 4. Becoming a Customer Value Leader
Chapter 5. Imperative Two: Innovate New Value for Customers
Chapter 6. Innovating New Value for Customers
Chapter 7. Imperative Three: Capitalize on the Customer as an Asset
Chapter 8. How to Capitalize on the Customer as an Asset
Chapter 9. Imperative Four: Capitalize on the Brand as an Asset
Chapter 10. How to Capitalize on the Brand as an Asset
Chapter 11. Market Insights and the Customer Value Imperatives
Chapter 12. Organizing to Compete on the Customer Value Imperatives
Chapter 13. Leading for Customer Value

304 pages, Hardcover

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