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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2011, wydanie II

cena netto: 146.30 Twoja cena  138,99 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Selling to The New Elite: Discover the Secret to Winning Over Your Wealthiest Prospects

Revelatory and surprising, based on unprecedented research, The New Elite took a behind-the-scenes look at America’s rich that shattered the prevailing myths about how the “other half” lives. Now, in this practical—and equally fascinating—follow-up, Selling to the New Elite, the authors reveal what the truly rich want from brands, what they expect from the marketplace, and how the Great Recession has reshaped their purchasing patterns.

Based on studies of elite companies such as Lexus, Chanel, Neiman Marcus, Four Seasons, Cartier, and Louis Vuitton, as well as interviews with top sales professionals and marketers, the book shows you how to better target qualified prospects, convert prospects to customers, nurture one-time customers into raving fans, help raving fans spread the word, and win back disaffected customers.

The book examines the nature of luxury, what affluent buyers care most about when making a purchasing decision, and how their values and interests can provide a way into forging the spirit of trust and enthusiasm so necessary when selling or marketing to them. Packed with insight, examples, eye-opening stories, and exercises,

Selling to the New Elite contains the practical strategies you need to successfully sell to those with the power to buy.

Table of Contents


List of Figures xi

List of Tables xiii

Acknowledgments xv

Introduction 1


CHAPTER ONE The Desire to Acquire 5

CHAPTER TWO The Passion of the Salesperson 31

CHAPTER THREE The Passion of the Prospect 73

CHAPTER FOUR The Passion of the Product 117

CHAPTER FIVE Theory into Practice: Thirteen Expressions of Passion in Selling 137

CHAPTER SIX From Passion to Execution 183

APPENDIX Our Methodologies for Studying the Affluent and Wealthy 201


Notes 231

Index 239

About the Authors 249

272 pages, Hardcover

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