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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

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Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management: How Top Companies Assess Risk, Manage Exposure, and Seize Opportunity

After the devastation experienced by AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and other financial institutions, the need for effective, comprehensive enterprise risk management (ERM) systems has never been more stark or immediate.

Whether your organization needs to implement an ERM program from scratch or radically improve upon an existing one, Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management is the most up-to-date, all-in-one resource for creating a proactive, clearly articulated ERM system. The book shows you how to use a highly innovative and surprisingly easy-to-use visual architecture for accurately identifying your orga­ni­zation’s exposure to hundreds, sometimes thousands, of risks, and clearly seeing how they interlink with one another—and can potentially set off a cascade of negative effects.

Packed with eye-opening case studies, engaging stories, and “lessons learned,” Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management helps you:

- Avoid the dire consequences of failing to recognize both your external and internal risk exposures.

- Set up a world-class ERM system using the practical strategies, helpful examples, and unique tools.

- Create a central, easy-to-use knowledge warehouse to share information and support decision-making.

- See and manipulate complex risk relationships using innovative visual software such as Riskonnect®.

- Exceed the monitoring requirements mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Basel II, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act—and much more.

John J. Hampton (Litchfield, CT) is the KPMG Professor of Business and Director of Graduate Business Programs at St. Peter’s College, and former Executive Director of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS).

Table of Contents


Pt. 1 Essentials of Enterprise Risk Management 1

1 Modern Risk Management 3

Russian Frozen-Chicken Case 14

2 Scope of ERM 17

3 Contributions of ERM 28

Home Depot Case 35

4 Challenge of the Black Swan 41

5 Challenge of the 2008 Financial Crisis 58

6 Implementing ERM 68

Pt. 2 ERM Technology 79

7 Visual Risk Clusters 81

AIG Visual Risk Cluster Case 88

8 Visual Risk-A Hypothetical Case 94

9 Tagging Risk-An Example 104

10 Airbus A380 Jumbo Jet 109

11 Product Launch Application 119

Pt. 3 Risks Without Risk Owners 125

12 Strategic Risk 127

Taiwan Strategic Risk Case 145

13 Subculture Risk 150

Appendix 13.A Characteristics to Use in Identifying Subcultures 164

Subculture Risk and High School Case 166

14 Leadership Risk 172

IKEA - Best Practices in Leadership Risk Case 181

15 Life Cycle Risk 185

GM and Toyota Life Cycle Risk Case 193

16 Horizon Risk 195

Pt. 4 ERM Stories 207

17 Aligning Risk Categories with the Business Model 209

18 Avoiding Business Disruption 215

19 ERM and Sarbanes-Oxley 219

20 Coffee Mug, Candy, Exotic Jams, and Toyota 223

21 ERM and Swarm Theory 227

22 Cerberus and Chrysler 230

23 Risk Management and the History of ERM 233

24 Evolving ERM Since 2004 238

25 Risk Management and the Future of ERM 243

Pt. 5 The People of Risk Management 253

26 Modern Risk Managers 255

27 Chief Risk and Strategy Officers 264

28 Risk Managers in Person 275

29 Central Risk Management Committee 288

Beaumont Central RMC Leader Case 292

Denouement 297

Bibliography 299

Index 301

306 pages, Hardcover

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