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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2008, wydanie II

cena netto: 66.20 Twoja cena  62,89 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Most of us dream about having a few extra hours in our day for taking care of business, relaxing, or engaging in the activities we most enjoy. But how can we make the most of our time when it seems as though there aren’t enough hours in the day? This instructive guide to time management is full of tips, techniques, and commonsense advice that will make anyone more productive.

In this newly updated edition of Real-World Time Management, Michael Dobson includes invaluable tips on setting priorities, tricks for staying on track, keeping a closed-door policy, avoiding interrupters, and techniques for reducing stress through time management.

Readers will also learn how to handle distractions, stop procrastinating, delegate tasks, deal with meetings, and manage time effectively while traveling. Instructive and helpful, Real-World Time Management will help all readers organize their time—no matter how hectic their lives may seem.

Table of Contents

Preface to the First Edition vii

Acknowledgments ix

Part I Thinking About Time

Chapter 1 How to Think About Time 1

Chapter 2 In the Field: How Time Managers Make It Work 7

Part II Getting A Grip on Time

Chapter 3 The Daily To-Do List: Your Basic Tool 15

Chapter 4 Planning: The Little Parachute That Opens the Big Parachute 21

Chapter 5 Sensible Project Management for Small to Medium Projects 27

Chapter 6 Effective, Yes! Efficient, No! Key to Priority Time 41

Chapter 7 Save Priority Time by Reducing Stress 46

Chapter 8 How to Avoid Self-Inflicted Delay 53

Part III Managing Time Wasters

Chapter 9 The Meeting: Opportunity or Time Waster? 59

Chapter 10 Starving Out the Time Gobblers 64

Chapter 11 Delegation: Giving It to George and Georgina to Do 68

Chapter 12 Communications: Time-Saving Plus or Boring Minus? 74

Chapter 13 Why Do We Procrastinate-And What Can We Do About It? 81

Part IV Controlling Your Tools

Chapter 14 The Telephone: Tool or Time Thief? 86

Chapter 15 Operate Your Workstation or It'll Operate You 91

Chapter 16 Taking Control of Technology 99

Part V Taming Travel Time

Chapter 17 The On-the-Go Manager Prioritizes Travel Time 104

Chapter 18 March of Time in the Global Village 108

Index 111

128 pages, Paperback

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