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wydawnictwo: WILEY JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 196.50 Twoja cena  186,68 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Discovering the Leader in You: How to realize Your Leadership Potential, New and Revised

Praise for Discovering the Leader in You

"An excellent guide for both new and seasoned leaders on the unique and complex challenges of leadership in the twenty-first century. This well-written, concise book will take you through the steps needed to make conscious, deliberate leadership choices in our 24/7 world of constant access and rapid change—choices that will help you better shape and control the influence you want to have."

—Molly Corbett Broad, president, American Council on Education

"All great leaders strive for excellence by committing and periodically recommitting to self-improvement. In Discovering the Leader in You, the authors help leaders hone their awareness of self and environment in this must-read guide on the journey to betterment."

—Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, president, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

"An effective leader must have keen self-awareness, which can only be obtained through a systematic process of self-discovery and evaluation. This book will take you through a proven discovery process that will help hone your leadership skills. I highly recommend it."

—Donna Noce, president, White House Black Market

"Discovering the Leader in You isn't about finding what's inside you or recovering what you've lost. It's about recognizing your situation, embracing its challenges, and making the necessary changes to overcome the challenges you face. This book helps leaders at all levels frame leadership discovery as a choice—a decision to make a difference to improve the lives of other people. Leadership is essential no matter the situation."

—General James D. Thurman, commanding general, U.S. Army Forces Command

"Leaders can make or break an organization. With Discovering the Leader in You, the authors supply us with a systematic approach to excelling as a leader. The principles defined in this book can help you become the effective, impactful leader you want to be!"

—Eric Wiseman, chairman, president, and CEO, VF Corporation

"Discover who you are as a leader with the world's top experts on the subject!"

—Marshall Goldsmith

Table of Contents


1 Where Does Leadership Fit in Your Life?

2 Organizational Realities, Demands, and Expectations.

3 Your Leadership Vision.

4 Your Leadership Motivation and Values.

5 Your Leadership Profile.

6 Personal Realities, Demands, and Expectations.

7 The Leader in You.


About the Authors.


About the Center for Creative Leadership.

208 paages, Hardcover

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